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# Название Просмотров
1. Using Coravel as a scheduler in ASP.NET Core 10739
2. PostgreSQL in C# .NET with Npgsql, Dapper, and Entity Framework: The complete guide 9492
3. How to query JSON in C# using SQL, LINQ, ADO.NET 7265
4. Coding with AI: Tips and best practices from developers 7224
5. A practical guide to modular monoliths with .NET 7071
6. Top 15 Software Development Trends in 2024 5670
7. Understanding Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation in C# 4458
8. Pagination in a .NET Web API with EF Core 4433
9. Implementing health checks in .NET 8 4198
10. REST API design best practices 3570
11. .NET — LinkedList vs ToArray 3397
12. Create a gRPC server in .NET Core 3186
13. Setup Azure Logs Alerts & Notifications for application exceptions 3123
14. Building modern architectures: Functional Core, Imperative Shell revamp 3056
15. Application Insights: Telemetry logging in ASP.NET Core 3044
16. Перестаньте называть себя программистом и другие карьерные советы 2816
17. What are the 10 most common Software Architecture patterns? 2785
18. Coravel - Easy task scheduling for your .NET web apps 2609
19. File upload in ASP.NET Core 6 – detailed guide 2597
20. Mastering C#: Tips for performance, LINQ, DTOs, and more 2391
21. .NET — ToList vs ToArray 2379
22. Caching strategies in .NET Core 2342
23. Send alerts when website is down — Azure Application Insights availability test 2336
24. SQL Server CTE: usage, features and limitations 2231
25. Optimizing LINQ queries in C#: tips and best practices 2207
26. Dockerizing ASP.NET Core applications: A comprehensive guide 2188
27. Performance benchmarks of PostgreSQL .NET with Npgsql, Dapper, and Entity Framework Core 2113
28. SQL Server CTE: usage, features and limitations 2104
29. Programmatically convert HTML to PDF in .NET Core C# without dependencies 2084
30. .NET Framework developer roadmap in 2024 for beginners 2023
31. Applicant Tracking Systems: Everything you need to know 1921
32. You have been doing pagination wrong in .NET 6 1829
33. Unlocking the power of Tasks: Your practical guide in C# 1821
34. How to configure Application Insights with Azure? 1802
35. Background services in .NET Core 1771
36. HttpClientHandler in C# — easy guide 1762
37. Delegates in C#: A comprehensive guide 1745
38. Create Todo REST API using .NET Core and Entity Framework with PostgreSQL 1694
39. An SEO’s guide to writing Structured Data (JSON-LD) 1691
40. Dynamic querying in C#: Real-world scenarios and techniques 1685
41. Turbocharging ASP.NET Core applications: A deep dive into performance optimizations 1684
42. Acceptance criteria for User Stories in Agile: Purposes, formats, examples, and best practices 1664
43. Optimizing LINQ queries for performance and readability in C# 1656
44. Top 10 .NET Core performance tricks 1651
45. Custom metrics in .NET using the new MeterFactory 1626
46. Soft skills: 18 самых важных навыков, которыми должен владеть каждый работник 1615
47. Fetch vs Axios. Which one to choose? 1606
48. A dive into .NET 8 native AOT and efficient web development 1593
49. What does remote work mean (vs WFH vs Hybrid Work)? 1577
50. AI-generated code: Benefits, risks, and usage in Software Development 1573
1. How C# interfaces can help you structure your codebase 13404
2. Secrets Management: Best Practices for C# Developers 11545
3. Beyond the basics: Advanced Vertical Slicing techniques in C# 11153
4. CRUD operations In ASP.NET Core Blazor server with Azure Cosmos DB and C# 10750
5. 10 tools for .NET developers that you probably didn’t know about 10643
6. Unit of Work with Generic Repository implementation using .NET Core 6 Web API 10544
7. Building a .NET distributed application with DAPR and Azure Container Apps 9739
8. .NET Core microservice logging with Grafana and Loki 9618
9. .NET Task Parallel Library vs. System.Threading.Channels 9569
10. Top 15 Software Development Methodologies: Benefits and Drawbacks 9064
11. How to implement effective retry logic in C# 8418
12. Clean Architecture in ASP .NET Core Web API 8351
13. Dapper advanced features in .NET Core 8075
14. How to convert a SQL query into C# LINQ 8057
15. Best practices for Clean Code 7822
16. Clean code: The art of naming 7525
17. React vs Blazor: The Battle of Modern Web Development Frameworks 7393
18. .NET gRPC — Simple chat application with gRPC 7217
19. What is the hardest thing in software development? 7076
20. MongoDB vs PostgreSQL: What to consider when choosing a database 6997
21. ASP.NET Core: How to Maximize Performance and Scalability of Your App 6504
22. Reflection in C#: examples, tricks and tips 6292
23. Inheritance strategies in Entity Framework Core 7 6224
24. How to create simple reports with PrintDocument in C# 5957
25. Unit Testing with C# and .NET (Full Guide) 5946
26. How to write unit tests with Dapper 5886
27. Relational database systems are becoming a problem — but what to do about it? 5783
28. .NET 7.0 + Dapper + PostgreSQL - CRUD API Tutorial in ASP.NET Core 5565
29. The Blob 5298
30. Robust RabbitMQ implementation for ASP.NET 5272
31. Goodbye Controllers: Building better Blazor web apps with Vertical Slices 5257
32. Domain-Driven Design: Understanding value objects 5246
33. Unit Testing in .Net Core 6.0 Web API using xUnit 5159
34. Exploring the Evolution of Backend Software Architecture: N-Layered, DDD, Hexagon, Onion, and Clean Architecture 4935
35. CQRS in ASP.NET with separate read/write models using MediatR 4863
36. Dealing with Code Performance— Micro and Macro Optimizations 4846
37. How to build a simple PHP MVC framework 4816
38. Expressions in .NET: A practical guide to System.Linq.Expressions 4779
39. ValueTask vs Task in C#: when to use which? 4774
40. OpenAI has hired an army of contractors to make basic coding obsolete 4739
41. Kafka with .NET Core 4526
42. Modularizing Software: Modular Monolith over Microservices in Domain-Driven Design 4495
43. Software Engineer Vs. Data Scientist: Career Guide for 2024 4289
44. Software architecture and design trend 2023 4211
45. How to create image and file upload in PHP with jQuery AJAX 4156
46. Design Patterns vs Design Principles 4096
47. What is Apache Superset? 3 important factors 3935
48. Mastering TypeScript: 21 best practices for improved code quality 3863
49. Abstract class vs interface in C#: Analyzing the pros and cons 3665
50. Web scraping using C#, HTTPClient, and HTML Agility Pack 3648
1. 10 Git repository naming best practices 13890
2. Enjoy using Mapster in .NET 6 11532
3. RabbitMQ Message Queue using .NET Core 6 Web API 6964
4. C# Blazor Vs Razor: Differences with example 6437
5. Top 10 programming languages portfolio for 2022 6118
6. .NET Core and RabbitMQ 5519
7. CRUD Operation and Microservice Communication using gRPC in .NET Core 6 Web API 5140
8. Implementation of the Redis Cache in the .NET Core API 5090
9. 10 Productivity Tips for Software Developers 5026
10. Readonly Vs Static Readonly in C# 4902
11. Best practices to secure ASP.NET Core MVC web applications 4327
12. Hexagonal Architecture ASP.NET Core 4265
13. Entity Framework Core and high performance 4143
14. HangFire with .NET 6.0 3787
15. Run and manage periodic background tasks in ASP.NET Core 6 with C# 3606
16. LINQ — How to avoid nested loops in C# 3362
17. What is the best frontend option for .Net backend? 3266
18. Building a custom Configuration Provider in .NET 6 2832
19. Рассуждение на тему, какую базу данных выбирать 2731
20. Distributed Redis caching in ASP.NET Core 2620
21. SignalR: The best ASP.NET Core Library for Building Interactive Apps 2585
22. REST API Naming Conventions and Best Practices 2548
23. Super Fast Query in Entity Framework 2530
24. Singleton vs static class 2352
25. OpenTelemetry with Jaeger in .NET Core 2325
26. Configure Multiple DBs with Repository pattern in .Net Core 2290
27. Let’s talk about salary 2262
28. Implement gRPC global exception handler in ASP.NET 2228
29. Best LINQ performance 2209
30. MediatR with .NET 6.0 2197
31. Top 11 SQL Server Maintenance Plan Best Practices 2190
32. .NET Core Blazor: Definition, characteristics, features and example 2128
33. Как мы столкнулись с версионированием и осознали, что вариант «просто проставить цифры» не работает 2083
34. .NET 6 vs .NET 5: How .NET 6 has changed the game of Software Development? 2054
35. How to stop using If-else and make your code more readable 1975
36. Why you shouldn't use the Repository pattern in .NET 1950
37. Top 6 performance tips for .Net Developers 1901
38. Implementation of Global Exception Handling using .NET Core 6 Web API 1888
39. 7 improvements you might have missed in .NET 6 1879
40. 8 quick tips to improve your .NET API 1792
41. Бредовая работа 1785
42. Full Stack Development: Definition, Developer Skills and Tools 1767
43. Универсальный ускоритель инженера: как расти быстрее с помощью проектов 1704
44. Выгорание эволюционирует. Что такое «тихий уход» — новый тренд среди офисных сотрудников 1638
45. «Великое увольнение» продолжается: теперь с работы уходят даже боссы 1637
46. Caching in .NET 6 1609
47. Applying SOLID principles with C# 1494
48. Правило 3-х часов: сколько нужно работать в день 1476
49. Как правильно выбрать название для Unit тестов 1464
50. Angular Lifecycle Hooks: ngOnChanges, ngOnInit, and more 1454
1. Integrating SignalR with React TypeScript and ASP.NET Core 6878
2. 10 Points to Secure ASP.NET Core MVC Applications 6636
3. Onion Architecture In ASP.NET Core with CQRS – Detailed 5963
4. Web API design principles or Web API design guidelines 5862
5. .NET Core HttpClient best practices 5390
6. Add a React app to your ASP.NET Core application 4940
7. Memory anti-patterns in C# 4688
8. Typescript vs. Javascript: The key differences you should know in 2021 4553
9. NUnit vs. XUnit vs. MSTest: comparing unit testing frameworks in C# 4149
10. Using Entity Framework Core and Dapper in ASP.NET Core – Safe Transactions 3778
11. Encrypt your database columns with EntityFramework & .NET Core 3494
12. Understand CORS and learn how to enable it for your ASP.NET API 3469
13. Upload and download multiple files using .NET 5.0 Web API 3404
14. Dapper vs Entity Framework vs ADO.NET performance benchmarking 3354
15. Simple In-Memory Caching in .Net Core with IMemoryCache 3230
16. SQL Server performance tuning: Nine best practices 3066
17. How to Publish an ASP.NET Core & React SPA to IIS 3015
18. The art of .NET custom exceptions 3011
19. Azure background jobs 2993
20. How to run ASP.NET Core & SQL Server from Docker 2917
21. .Net Source Generators 2664
22. .NET 5.0 Web Api global error handling 2567
23. SQL Server performance monitor data: Introduction and usage 2013
24. Will you still hire me when I’m 50? 1988
25. 10 things to know about in-memory caching in ASP.NET Core 1968
26. Разбираемся с middleware в ASP.NET Core 1846
27. Hangfire — планировщик задач для .NET 1810
28. Never return NULL references from your functions 1733
29. Migrate from .NET Framework to .NET 5 1683
30. How to use IDisposable in ASP.NET Core 1503
31. Formatting Strings using Templates in C# 1453
32. Чем CRM отличается от ERP 1423
33. Web API Helper Page 1401
34. Web API Validation 1345
35. How getting Lazy in C# 1274
36. Замыкания в JavaScript для начинающих 1084
37. Еще раз про IP-адреса, маски подсетей и вообще 1047
38. Scrum: 12 терминов, которые нужно запомнить 1040
39. Important ASP.NET Core Features – Need to Know 556
40. Conditional compilation for ignoring method calls with the ConditionalAttribute 554
41. Logging and Tracing with Post Sharp 480
1. Real-time ASP.NET Core Web Apps with SignalR 8532
2. SQLite vs. MySQL vs. PostgreSQL: A Comparison of Relational Databases 8520
3. How to build a search page with Elasticsearch and .NET 7578
4. How to Build CRUD REST APIs with ASP.NET Core 3.1 and Entity Framework Core, Create JWT Tokens, and Secure APIs 7553
5. E is for EF Core Relationships 6801
6. Part 1: Securing Blazor WebAssembly with Identity Server 4 5825
7. Tutorial for Understanding and Implementing a CRUD APP using Elasticsearch and C# 5632
8. Elasticsearch vs. MongoDB 4376
9. Building Microservices With ASP.NET Core — An Added Advantage 4191
10. Onion Architecture in ASP.NET Core MVC 3856
11. Want a remote job? 18 interview questions you need to answer 3672
12. Single Page Applications and ASP.NET Core 3.0 3131
13. ASP.NET Core code sharing between Blazor, MVC and Razor Pages 2743
14. B is for Blazor Full-Stack Web Dev 2707
15. Creating a Simple RSS Feed with ASP.NET Core Web API 2608
16. Open Graph Meta Tags: Everything you need to know 2108
17. Mixing Web Forms and ASP.NET MVC 2103
18. Using Microservices in .NET Core and Docker container 2098
19. Part 2: Role-based security with Blazor and Identity Server 4 2096
20. SQLite vs PostgreSQL - Which database to use and why? 1839
21. Microservices using ASP.NET Core 1813
22. Жестокая правда будней программиста: 8 наблюдений 1804
23. Как айтишнику найти работу в США и ЕС: 9 лучших ресурсов 1779
24. 4 Most Used REST API Authentication Methods 1687
25. Best frontend frameworks of 2020 for web development 1597
26. Компиляция и запуск C# и Blazor внутри браузера 1529
27. Первый рабочий день: инструкция по выживанию — 4 совета, как с комфортом выйти на новую работу 1527
28. Тестирование PRTG Network Monitor и сравнение с Zabbix 1510
29. Вопросы с собеседований, которые означают не то, что вы думаете 1364
30. D is for Deploying to Azure App Service 1278
31. Принципы построения REST JSON API 1277
32. PSR Стандарты 1252
33. Три дороги для программиста: эксперт, руководитель, основатель 1245
34. How to perform lazy initialization in C# 1244
35. Кривые развития программиста и немного об эффекте Даннинга—Крюгера 1220
36. What’s new in Microsoft .NET 5 1199
37. Переход от монолита к микросервисам: история и практика 1132
38. Тонкости собеседований при найме на удаленку 1130
39. Психология удалёнки: как не слететь с катушек 1089
40. Интернет вещей — а что это? 998
41. .NET Standard 2.0 - making sense of .NET again 984
42. Как устроиться в IT-компанию 968
43. A is for Authentication & Authorization 950
44. Текстовый редактор для Git в среде Windows 925
45. «Чистые» и «нечистые» функции в JavaScript 914
46. F is for Forms & Fields 797
47. Develop and install a Windows Service in C# 757
48. H is for Handling Errors 735
49. G is for Generic Host Host Builder 682
50. C is for Cookies and Consent 676

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1980–... Sergey Drozdov
Area of interests: .NET Framework | .NET Core | C# | ASP.NET | Windows Forms | WPF | HTML5 | CSS3 | jQuery | AJAX | Angular | React | MS SQL Server | Transact-SQL | ADO.NET | Entity Framework | IIS | OOP | OOA | OOD | WCF | WPF | MSMQ | MVC | MVP | MVVM | Design Patterns | Enterprise Architecture | Scrum | Kanban