Always will be ready notify the world about expectations as easy as possible: job change page
22 марта

LINQ (Language Integrated Query) has revolutionized the way we interact with data in C#. It offers a consistent, readable, and concise way to manipulate collections, databases, XML, and more. However, the beauty and ease of LINQ can sometimes mask performance pitfalls. Understanding LINQ’s underpinnings Before we jump into optimizations, it’s...

18 марта

Imagine crafting a library app where users effortlessly find books by title, author, or genre. Traditional search methods drown you in code. But fear not! Dynamic Querying in C# saves the day. In our tale, crafting separate search methods for each book attribute becomes a headache. The code becomes a...

26 февраля

Pagination is in front of us everyday yet we take it for granted kind of like we do with most things. It’s what chunks huge lists of data (blog posts, articles, products) into pages so we can navigate through data. This is how you did pagination until this point. using...

2 февраля

Introduction LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a powerful feature in C# that allows developers to perform complex queries on collections and databases using a syntax that is both expressive and readable. However, writing LINQ queries efficiently is essential to ensure that your application performs well. In this article, we will...

1 февраля

Introduction Welcome to the world of C#! Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your programming journey, the power and versatility of C# can elevate your coding experience. In this article, we’ll explore a curated collection of tips and tricks to enhance your proficiency in C#. From optimizing...

10 января

In today’s connected world, data is piling up very fast. We are generating more data than ever in human history, and a lot of this data is getting stored in non-relational formats like JSON documents. JSON has become a ubiquitous format for modern-day applications — being used for config...

7 января

Few days ago I stopped myself while writing code. I wrote my LINQ filtering wrong. items.Where(x => x > 0).Any(); (Obviously, it’s a pseudo code) I realized my mistake immediately, changed the code, and went on with my day. Then it started bugging me. What other LINQ methods could...

31 мая 2023 г.

LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a powerful querying tool in .NET that allows you to perform complex queries directly in C#. The System.Linq.Expressions namespace is a part of LINQ that provides classes, interfaces, enumerations and structures to work with lambda expressions and expression trees. Lambda expressions are a way...

14 мая 2023 г.

In this article, I’ll show you what the basic steps are for converting a SQL query into LINQ. You’ll learn the basic steps needed while we convert an example query. In this article, it's assumed that you have a basic understanding of SQL, and know how to write C#...

12 мая 2023 г.

Language Integrated Query (LINQ) is a powerful feature in C# .NET that allows developers to query various data sources using a consistent syntax. In this article, we’ll explore some advanced LINQ techniques to help you level up your skills and write more efficient code. LINQ Extension Methods LINQ comes with...

27 октября 2022 г.

Writing code can be very exciting but it also can be very frustrating if your code is based on nested loops. Iterations are still one the most important parts of coding. So how can we avoid using ugly nested loops in our code? LINQ — Language Integrated Query Microsoft language...

16 мая 2022 г.

In this article, I will show the most performant way to write queries for a collection of objects in .Net Core. The article discusses the common methods of LINQ and their comparison. After reading this article, you may have to review your project code! Comparisons were made between query syntax,...


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1980–... Sergey Drozdov
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