2025 |
1. |
Understanding OData: Building RESTful APIs with .NET |
3950 |
2. |
Blazor vs React: Choosing the right framework for your project |
1875 |
3. |
6 signs a company Is badly managed |
1257 |
4. |
What is the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)? |
933 |
5. |
Database Partitioning vs. Sharding vs. Replication |
804 |
6. |
Nonprofit vs. Not-for-Profit vs. For-Profit: What's the difference? |
751 |
7. |
Security Through Obscurity: A Critical Analysis of Hidden Dangers |
740 |
8. |
6 open source log management tools for 2024 |
677 |
9. |
Effects of poor management at work: A list of disadvantages |
657 |
10. |
Deploy .NET apps using Docker: A comprehensive guide |
652 |
11. |
4 powerful impacts a bad manager can cause that will harm your business |
648 |
12. |
Calculating optimistic memory footprint of managed object |
634 |
13. |
300+ вопросов по JavaScript на собеседовании |
627 |
14. |
CSS in HTML emails: How to get started (without breaking anything) |
585 |
15. |
Axios vs. fetch(): Which is best for making HTTP requests? |
566 |
16. |
How to build a Minimum Viable Product |
565 |
17. |
HTML5 video API: A guide to video transformation in the browser |
537 |
18. |
Memory Caching in .NET - Boost your app's performance |
523 |
19. |
Get started with Docker on Windows: Easy installation guide |
496 |
20. |
Security Through Obscurity, everything you need to know |
480 |
21. |
Про модель, логику, ООП, разработку и остальное |
480 |
22. |
What it is a T-Shaped developer (And why you should be one) |
444 |
23. |
Software | Frameworks | Libraries | Tools cheatsheet |
435 |
24. |
«Если честно, уже хочется выть»: вот что бесит айтишников в IT |
398 |
25. |
С чего начать изучать программирование? |
389 |
26. |
We need T-Shaped full-stack developers |
363 |
27. |
Что такое технический долг и как им управлять |
363 |
28. |
Технический долг. Как не обанкротиться |
360 |
29. |
Blazor vs. React: A comprehensive comparison in 2025 |
348 |
30. |
What is the optimal number of recruiters for your company? |
347 |
31. |
Вождь разрабчьей стаи |
339 |
32. |
Когда устал от алгоритмов: Ревью кода на собеседовании |
328 |
33. |
HTTP Client in C#: Best Practices for Experts |
322 |
34. |
5 ошибок при разработке высоконагруженных сервисов |
321 |
35. |
On the penomenon of bullshit jobs: A work rant by David Graeber |
312 |
36. |
10 popular Document Management Systems (DMS) |
307 |
37. |
T-Shaped, N-Shaped and M-Shaped skills: Unlock versatility for career success |
304 |
38. |
Что такое Material Design и почему он так популярен |
299 |
39. |
Top 14 software development trends for 2025 |
295 |
40. |
Blazor vs React: Detailed comparison |
284 |
41. |
Going to the Gemba in Software and Product Development |
281 |
42. |
Security Through Obscurity (STO): History, criticism & risks |
281 |
43. |
8 проектов NodeJS, которые стоит проверить |
279 |
44. |
A guide to mitigating the risk of failed employee relocation |
266 |
45. |
Система визуализации и мониторинга. Grafana + Prometheus |
265 |
46. |
Soft skills: definition + 50 examples |
255 |
47. |
Kanban VS Scrum: в чем разница |
250 |
48. |
Как сломался рынок найма и кто теперь на самом деле нас нанимает |
248 |
49. |
Чек-лист по запуску нового сайта: что нужно учесть? |
241 |
50. |
Пользовательские интерфейсы в упадке |
239 |
2024 |
1. |
PostgreSQL in C# .NET with Npgsql, Dapper, and Entity Framework: The complete guide |
25061 |
2. |
File upload in ASP.NET Core 6 – detailed guide |
21450 |
3. |
Soft skills: 18 самых важных навыков, которыми должен владеть каждый работник |
14813 |
4. |
Using Coravel as a scheduler in ASP.NET Core |
13108 |
5. |
How to implement pagination in ASP.NET Core Web API? - Ultimate guide |
12350 |
6. |
Using ASP.NET Core SignalR with Vue to implement web notifications |
10922 |
7. |
Pagination in a .NET Web API with EF Core |
10210 |
8. |
How to query JSON in C# using SQL, LINQ, ADO.NET |
9680 |
9. |
Coding with AI: Tips and best practices from developers |
9368 |
10. |
A practical guide to modular monoliths with .NET |
9238 |
11. |
Optimizing data operations with OData in .NET 8 |
9107 |
12. |
C# .NET 8 — Cache service with Distributed Cache |
8951 |
13. |
Understanding Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation in C# |
8308 |
14. |
How to build a simple REST API in PHP? |
8278 |
15. |
Compatibility of ASP.NET Web Forms and ASP.NET MVC |
7828 |
16. |
Applicant Tracking Systems: Everything you need to know |
7735 |
17. |
Examples of composition in C# — a simple guide for beginners |
7695 |
18. |
Top 15 Software Development Trends in 2024 |
7564 |
19. |
Create a gRPC server in .NET Core |
7216 |
20. |
The 50 best CI/CD tools all DevOps teams should know in 2024 |
7065 |
21. |
The best way to map objects in .NET in 2024 |
6771 |
22. |
Application Insights: Telemetry logging in ASP.NET Core |
6538 |
23. |
How to implement feature flag in ASP.NET Core Blazor |
6501 |
24. |
The 5 C# PDF libraries every developer mostly use |
6475 |
25. |
Setup Azure Logs Alerts & Notifications for application exceptions |
6453 |
26. |
Kestrel Web Server in ASP.NET Core |
6424 |
27. |
Mastering C#: Tips for performance, LINQ, DTOs, and more |
6413 |
28. |
Performance benchmarks of PostgreSQL .NET with Npgsql, Dapper, and Entity Framework Core |
6338 |
29. |
Implementing health checks in .NET 8 |
6218 |
30. |
REST API design best practices |
6168 |
31. |
Managing concurrent database updates |
6030 |
32. |
ASP.NET 8 Token Authentication for Web API and React with Integration Testing (Part 2: Integration Test) |
5915 |
33. |
Optimizing LINQ queries in C#: tips and best practices |
5799 |
34. |
Caching strategies in .NET Core |
5796 |
35. |
.NET — LinkedList vs ToArray |
5740 |
36. |
Custom metrics in .NET using the new MeterFactory |
5464 |
37. |
SignalR simplified: Creating efficient pure WebSocket servers with SimpleR for ASP.NET Core |
5393 |
38. |
Background services in .NET Core |
5323 |
39. |
SQL Server CTE: usage, features and limitations |
5285 |
40. |
Building modern architectures: Functional Core, Imperative Shell revamp |
5197 |
41. |
Turbocharging ASP.NET Core applications: A deep dive into performance optimizations |
5099 |
42. |
Перестаньте называть себя программистом и другие карьерные советы |
5065 |
43. |
Send alerts when website is down — Azure Application Insights availability test |
5042 |
44. |
Dockerizing ASP.NET Core applications: A comprehensive guide |
5019 |
45. |
.NET — ToList vs ToArray |
4973 |
46. |
What are the 10 most common Software Architecture patterns? |
4904 |
47. |
Coravel - Easy task scheduling for your .NET web apps |
4859 |
48. |
Best practices for efficient file reading in C# |
4808 |
49. |
An SEO’s guide to writing Structured Data (JSON-LD) |
4774 |
50. |
Scheduling background jobs with Quartz.NET |
4768 |
2023 |
1. |
How to build a simple REST API in PHP |
26962 |
2. |
How to build a simple PHP MVC framework |
22637 |
3. |
Unit of Work with Generic Repository implementation using .NET Core 6 Web API |
17644 |
4. |
How to create image and file upload in PHP with jQuery AJAX |
16608 |
5. |
Beyond the basics: Advanced Vertical Slicing techniques in C# |
16053 |
6. |
How C# interfaces can help you structure your codebase |
15412 |
7. |
How to implement effective retry logic in C# |
15229 |
8. |
Secrets management: Best practices for C# developers |
15174 |
9. |
CRUD operations In ASP.NET Core Blazor server with Azure Cosmos DB and C# |
14721 |
10. |
How to convert a SQL query into C# LINQ |
13976 |
11. |
10 tools for .NET developers that you probably didn’t know about |
13107 |
12. |
.NET Core microservice logging with Grafana and Loki |
12588 |
13. |
Dapper advanced features in .NET Core |
12527 |
14. |
.NET 7.0 + Dapper + PostgreSQL - CRUD API Tutorial in ASP.NET Core |
12163 |
15. |
Reflection in C#: examples, tricks and tips |
12056 |
16. |
Clean Architecture in ASP .NET Core Web API |
11618 |
17. |
.NET Task Parallel Library vs. System.Threading.Channels |
11414 |
18. |
CQRS in ASP.NET with separate read/write models using MediatR |
11352 |
19. |
Building a .NET distributed application with DAPR and Azure Container Apps |
11333 |
20. |
Top 15 Software Development Methodologies: Benefits and Drawbacks |
11198 |
21. |
Best practices for Clean Code |
9620 |
22. |
React vs Blazor: The Battle of Modern Web Development Frameworks |
9510 |
23. |
How to write unit tests with Dapper |
9478 |
24. |
Goodbye Controllers: Building better Blazor web apps with Vertical Slices |
9147 |
25. |
What is the hardest thing in software development? |
9090 |
26. |
.NET gRPC — Simple chat application with gRPC |
9038 |
27. |
MongoDB vs PostgreSQL: What to consider when choosing a database |
8786 |
28. |
Expressions in .NET: A practical guide to System.Linq.Expressions |
8777 |
29. |
Clean code: The art of naming |
8664 |
30. |
Unit Testing with C# and .NET (Full Guide) |
8602 |
31. |
How to create simple reports with PrintDocument in C# |
8319 |
32. |
Inheritance strategies in Entity Framework Core 7 |
8255 |
33. |
Exploring the evolution of backend Software Architecture: N-Layered, DDD, Hexagon, Onion, and Clean Architecture |
8251 |
34. |
ASP.NET Core: How to Maximize Performance and Scalability of Your App |
8155 |
35. |
Database setup with DbUp + PostgreSQL + Dapper in ASP.Net Core |
8145 |
36. |
How to get client IP address and location information in ASP.NET Core |
7795 |
37. |
Unit Testing in .Net Core 6.0 Web API using xUnit |
7762 |
38. |
ValueTask vs Task in C#: when to use which? |
7644 |
39. |
C# parse HTML with AngleSharp |
7524 |
40. |
Software Engineer Vs. Data Scientist: Career Guide for 2024 |
7316 |
41. |
What is Apache Superset? 3 important factors |
7288 |
42. |
Attributes and Decorators in C# |
7229 |
43. |
Domain-Driven Design: Understanding value objects |
7190 |
44. |
.NET Core — The simple step-by-step guide to creating and using a Generic Repository |
7096 |
45. |
Relational database systems are becoming a problem — but what to do about it? |
7029 |
46. |
Robust RabbitMQ implementation for ASP.NET |
7024 |
47. |
Abstract class vs interface in C#: Analyzing the pros and cons |
6749 |
48. |
The Blob |
6700 |
49. |
How to implement HTTP/3 in your ASP.NET Core application |
6677 |
50. |
Dealing with Code Performance— Micro and Macro Optimizations |
6674 |
2022 |
1. |
10 Git repository naming best practices |
24193 |
2. |
Enjoy using Mapster in .NET 6 |
16099 |
3. |
Top 10 programming languages portfolio for 2022 |
12093 |
4. |
Readonly Vs Static Readonly in C# |
9768 |
5. |
RabbitMQ Message Queue using .NET Core 6 Web API |
9249 |
6. |
C# Blazor Vs Razor: Differences with example |
9143 |
7. |
Implementation of the Redis Cache in the .NET Core API |
8789 |
8. |
.NET Core and RabbitMQ |
7893 |
9. |
Best practices to secure ASP.NET Core MVC web applications |
7323 |
10. |
CRUD Operation and Microservice Communication using gRPC in .NET Core 6 Web API |
7312 |
11. |
Let’s talk about salary |
6801 |
12. |
Hexagonal Architecture ASP.NET Core |
6596 |
13. |
10 Productivity Tips for Software Developers |
6573 |
14. |
Entity Framework Core and high performance |
6568 |
15. |
Рассуждение на тему, какую базу данных выбирать |
6309 |
16. |
OpenTelemetry with Jaeger in .NET Core |
6252 |
17. |
LINQ — How to avoid nested loops in C# |
6181 |
18. |
HangFire with .NET 6.0 |
6181 |
19. |
SignalR: The best ASP.NET Core Library for Building Interactive Apps |
5970 |
20. |
What is the best frontend option for .Net backend? |
5773 |
21. |
Run and manage periodic background tasks in ASP.NET Core 6 with C# |
5735 |
22. |
Configure multiple DBs with Repository pattern in .NET Core |
5113 |
23. |
MediatR with .NET 6.0 |
4840 |
24. |
Distributed Redis caching in ASP.NET Core |
4818 |
25. |
.NET Core Blazor: Definition, characteristics, features and example |
4793 |
26. |
Best LINQ performance |
4673 |
27. |
Singleton vs static class |
4579 |
28. |
Как мы столкнулись с версионированием и осознали, что вариант «просто проставить цифры» не работает |
4514 |
29. |
Why you shouldn't use the Repository pattern in .NET |
4495 |
30. |
Building a custom Configuration Provider in .NET 6 |
4454 |
31. |
REST API Naming Conventions and Best Practices |
4405 |
32. |
Top 11 SQL Server maintenance plan best practices |
4282 |
33. |
Implement gRPC global exception handler in ASP.NET |
4099 |
34. |
.NET 6 vs .NET 5: How .NET 6 has changed the game of Software Development? |
4081 |
35. |
Super fast query in Entity Framework |
3573 |
36. |
7 improvements you might have missed in .NET 6 |
3314 |
37. |
Implementation of Global Exception Handling using .NET Core 6 Web API |
3199 |
38. |
Full Stack Development: Definition, Developer Skills and Tools |
3177 |
39. |
8 quick tips to improve your .NET API |
3079 |
40. |
Бредовая работа |
3027 |
41. |
Top 6 performance tips for .Net Developers |
3009 |
42. |
How to stop using If-else and make your code more readable |
2920 |
43. |
Выгорание эволюционирует. Что такое «тихий уход» — новый тренд среди офисных сотрудников |
2914 |
44. |
Правило 3-х часов: сколько нужно работать в день |
2797 |
45. |
Caching in .NET 6 |
2721 |
46. |
Angular Lifecycle Hooks: ngOnChanges, ngOnInit, and more |
2645 |
47. |
Modernizing ASP.NET Web Forms Applications (Part 2) |
2597 |
48. |
Как правильно выбрать название для Unit тестов |
2581 |
49. |
«Великое увольнение» продолжается: теперь с работы уходят даже боссы |
2557 |
50. |
Универсальный ускоритель инженера: как расти быстрее с помощью проектов |
2547 |
2021 |
1. |
Onion Architecture In ASP.NET Core with CQRS – Detailed |
11186 |
2. |
10 Points to Secure ASP.NET Core MVC Applications |
9690 |
3. |
.NET Core HttpClient best practices |
9548 |
4. |
Integrating SignalR with React TypeScript and ASP.NET Core |
8957 |
5. |
Using Entity Framework Core and Dapper in ASP.NET Core – Safe Transactions |
8540 |
6. |
NUnit vs. XUnit vs. MSTest: comparing unit testing frameworks in C# |
8102 |
7. |
Web API design principles or Web API design guidelines |
7740 |
8. |
Add a React app to your ASP.NET Core application |
7641 |
9. |
Typescript vs. Javascript: The key differences you should know in 2021 |
7563 |
10. |
Upload and download multiple files using .NET 5.0 Web API |
6554 |
11. |
Dapper vs Entity Framework vs ADO.NET performance benchmarking |
6340 |
12. |
The art of .NET custom exceptions |
6071 |
13. |
Memory anti-patterns in C# |
5881 |
14. |
How to run ASP.NET Core & SQL Server from Docker |
5663 |
15. |
How to Publish an ASP.NET Core & React SPA to IIS |
5496 |
16. |
SQL Server performance tuning: Nine best practices |
5107 |
17. |
Encrypt your database columns with EntityFramework & .NET Core |
4928 |
18. |
Simple In-Memory Caching in .Net Core with IMemoryCache |
4519 |
19. |
Understand CORS and learn how to enable it for your ASP.NET API |
4375 |
20. |
Azure background jobs |
4044 |
21. |
.NET 5.0 Web Api global error handling |
3877 |
22. |
Hangfire — планировщик задач для .NET |
3875 |
23. |
Разбираемся с middleware в ASP.NET Core |
3873 |
24. |
Never return NULL references from your functions |
3850 |
25. |
Will you still hire me when I’m 50? |
3763 |
26. |
.Net Source Generators |
3706 |
27. |
SQL Server performance monitor data: Introduction and usage |
3680 |
28. |
Formatting Strings using Templates in C# |
3346 |
29. |
10 things to know about in-memory caching in ASP.NET Core |
3098 |
30. |
Чем CRM отличается от ERP |
3000 |
31. |
Migrate from .NET Framework to .NET 5 |
2816 |
32. |
How to use IDisposable in ASP.NET Core |
2797 |
33. |
How getting Lazy in C# |
2637 |
34. |
Web API Helper Page |
2238 |
35. |
Web API Validation |
2051 |
36. |
Еще раз про IP-адреса, маски подсетей и вообще |
1750 |
37. |
Scrum: 12 терминов, которые нужно запомнить |
1743 |
38. |
Замыкания в JavaScript для начинающих |
1729 |
39. |
Important ASP.NET Core Features – Need to Know |
947 |
40. |
Conditional compilation for ignoring method calls with the ConditionalAttribute |
863 |
41. |
Logging and Tracing with Post Sharp |
800 |