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# Название Просмотров
1. Soft skills: 18 самых важных навыков, которыми должен владеть каждый работник 896
2. 10 Git repository naming best practices 626
3. Examples of composition in C# — a simple guide for beginners 391
4. How to get client IP address and location information in ASP.NET Core 382
5. Let’s talk about salary 371
6. How to implement effective retry logic in C# 319
7. How to convert a SQL query into C# LINQ 284
8. Reflection in C#: examples, tricks and tips 282
9. File upload in ASP.NET Core 6 – detailed guide 273
10. Using Dependency Injection with HttpClient in C#: A comprehensive guide 263
11. Attributes and Decorators in C# 261
12. Best practices for efficient file reading in C# 221
13. How to implement HTTP/3 in your ASP.NET Core application 219
14. Exploring Transient, Scoped, and Singleton using .NET and C# 218
15. Optimizing LINQ queries in C#: tips and best practices 216
16. Scheduling background jobs with Quartz.NET 209
17. Insert 1 million dummy product data into SQL Server 204
18. MSSQL vs MySQL: 10 critical differences 200
19. Expressions in .NET: A practical guide to System.Linq.Expressions 199
20. Database setup with DbUp + PostgreSQL + Dapper in ASP.Net Core 198
21. How to write unit tests with Dapper 195
22. C# parse HTML with AngleSharp 195
23. MediatR with .NET 6.0 194
24. C# .NET 8 — Cache service with Distributed Cache 184
25. How to structure .NET project with Clean Architecture? 182
26. Top 7 popular interview questions for Senior .NET Developer 174
27. Continuous Obsolescence 174
28. You have been doing pagination wrong in .NET 6 167
29. Working with Azure Cosmos DB in .NET Core: A Step-by-Step Guide 166
30. Top 5 GUI tools for PostgreSQL in 2025 165
31. Multiple database provider migrations in Entity Framework 165
32. Configure multiple DBs with Repository pattern in .NET Core 165
33. Boat Anchor 162
34. ORM wars: Dapper vs EF Core 161
35. Dapper advanced features in .NET Core 161
36. 7 reasons why developers leave their jobs 160
37. Input Kludge 159
38. Must-know C# Code Smells and how to fix them 155
39. Dead End 155
40. Implementing advanced long polling in .NET 6 153
41. Software Engineer Vs. Data Scientist: Career Guide for 2024 153
42. Goodbye Controllers: Building better Blazor web apps with Vertical Slices 152
43. Caching strategies in .NET Core 151
44. Ambiguous Viewpoint 151
45. Best LINQ performance 150
46. OpenTelemetry with Jaeger in .NET Core 147
47. Understanding OData: Building RESTful APIs with .NET 138
48. .NET Core — The simple step-by-step guide to creating and using a Generic Repository 138
49. Creating Custom C# Exception Types 138
50. JavaScript refresh page – how to reload a page in JS 137
1. Soft skills: 18 самых важных навыков, которыми должен владеть каждый работник 1027
2. 10 Git repository naming best practices 724
3. Let’s talk about salary 473
4. Examples of composition in C# — a simple guide for beginners 404
5. File upload in ASP.NET Core 6 – detailed guide 375
6. How to convert a SQL query into C# LINQ 365
7. How to implement effective retry logic in C# 350
8. Expressions in .NET: A practical guide to System.Linq.Expressions 299
9. Best practices for efficient file reading in C# 289
10. Scheduling background jobs with Quartz.NET 282
11. C# .NET 8 — Cache service with Distributed Cache 281
12. How to get client IP address and location information in ASP.NET Core 280
13. Reflection in C#: examples, tricks and tips 278
14. Attributes and Decorators in C# 273
15. Dead End 250
16. Using Dependency Injection with HttpClient in C#: A comprehensive guide 246
17. Configure multiple DBs with Repository pattern in .NET Core 244
18. MSSQL vs MySQL: 10 critical differences 239
19. Implementing advanced long polling in .NET 6 235
20. Boat Anchor 234
21. How to implement HTTP/3 in your ASP.NET Core application 234
22. MediatR with .NET 6.0 233
23. You have been doing pagination wrong in .NET 6 232
24. C# parse HTML with AngleSharp 231
25. Optimizing LINQ queries in C#: tips and best practices 230
26. ORM wars: Dapper vs EF Core 228
27. Exploring Transient, Scoped, and Singleton using .NET and C# 227
28. Working with Azure Cosmos DB in .NET Core: A Step-by-Step Guide 222
29. Multiple database provider migrations in Entity Framework 221
30. Insert 1 million dummy product data into SQL Server 219
31. Input Kludge 218
32. Live-coding interviews: essential or discriminatory? 215
33. 7 reasons why developers leave their jobs 214
34. How to write unit tests with Dapper 212
35. How to structure .NET project with Clean Architecture? 209
36. Continuous Obsolescence 209
37. Top 7 popular interview questions for Senior .NET Developer 203
38. Must-know C# Code Smells and how to fix them 199
39. .NET 7.0 + Dapper + PostgreSQL - CRUD API Tutorial in ASP.NET Core 199
40. Database setup with DbUp + PostgreSQL + Dapper in ASP.Net Core 195
41. Best LINQ performance 192
42. Mastering C#: Tips for performance, LINQ, DTOs, and more 191
43. How to build a simple PHP MVC framework 189
44. Dapper advanced features in .NET Core 188
45. Software Engineer Vs. Data Scientist: Career Guide for 2024 183
46. Goodbye Controllers: Building better Blazor web apps with Vertical Slices 182
47. Ambiguous Viewpoint 181
48. Global query filters in EF Core 177
49. OpenTelemetry with Jaeger in .NET Core 176
50. Nonprofit vs. Not-for-Profit vs. For-Profit: What's the difference? 174