Always will be ready notify the world about expectations as easy as possible: job change page
13 апреля

In this article, let’s learn about how to perform file upload in ASP.NET Core 6. The file for upload can be of any format like image (jpg, BMP, gif, etc), text file, XML file, CSV file, PDF file, etc. We will learn how to design a web page that allows...

26 февраля

Pagination is in front of us everyday yet we take it for granted kind of like we do with most things. It’s what chunks huge lists of data (blog posts, articles, products) into pages so we can navigate through data. This is how you did pagination until this point. using...

20 февраля

Long polling is a server-push technique used in web applications to efficiently update clients with new information. Unlike traditional polling, long polling keeps the request open until the server has new data to send. This method is beneficial when you want to reduce the latency for data updates without overloading...

25 декабря 2023 г.

Testing coverage is the key part of any project development and Testing coverage is not only about the unit testing instead Integration Testing is extremely important to make sure entire system is unbroken & bug free with any change or subsequent enhancement. When we talk about integration testing, mocking dependencies...

18 января 2023 г.

Aha! There is always something intimidating about Dependency Injection. I distinctly remember a couple of years ago, telling a .Net recruiter for a contract project, that, “I had no idea what DI is” He immediately stopped talking to me. It’s just one of those moments. It was true, to...

18 января 2023 г.

Unit testing is one of the major parts of software testing which can be handled by the developer itself. It is used to test the smallest components of your code. The purpose of the Unit test is to validate the functionality or expected output of your code during your development...

10 января 2023 г.

Exception Handling is one of the important topics in Software Development. Exception means mainly run-time errors that occur at the time of execution of your application. The developer needs to handle that exception otherwise the application will be terminated.   Every developer has their own way of handling the errors...

20 октября 2022 г.

Schedule and run background jobs using this powerful framework Disclaimer: the image mentioned in this article is currently marked as preview. Opinions expressed therein are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer. Hangfire provides a framework that performs background processing for .NET and...

23 сентября 2022 г.

In this article, we will discuss gRPC and perform CRUD Operation using that and step-by-step implementation of gRPC. We take Product Application here to understand how things are going to work with gRPC and, in that first, we create ProductOfferGrpcService which is used to create Product Offers and which...

26 августа 2022 г.

Real-time interactivity is the bread and butter of modern web, mobile, and desktop applications. It doesn’t matter how hard you worked to build your app. If it’s not interactive enough, users will just ignore it in favor of competing apps that are interactive. When you open your social media...

26 августа 2022 г.

We are going to discuss the RabbitMQ Message Queue and its implementation using .NET Core 6 API as Message Producer and Console Application as a Message Consumer. Agenda Introduction of RabbitMQ Benefits of using RabbitMQ Implementation of RabbitMQ in .NET Core 6 Prerequisites Visual Studio 2022 Docker Desktop .NET...

24 августа 2022 г.

In this article, we will learn about global exception handling implementation using .NET Core 6 Web API step-by-step. Agenda Introduction Implementation of Global Exception Handling Prerequisites Visual Studio 2022 .NET Core 6 SDK Understanding of C# Programming Basic Understanding of Object-Oriented Programming Understanding of .NET Core APIs Introduction Exception...

23 августа 2022 г.

Suppose we are building a web api that contains a route to send notification messages to other systems. For security matters, before sending any notification message, we need to provide some credentials to these systems to they accept our messages. However, these credentials are stored in an external data...

24 апреля 2022 г.

What is MediatR? Why do we need it? And How to use it? Mediator Pattern - The mediator pattern ensures that objects do not interact directly instead of through a mediator. It reduces coupling between objects which makes it easy to maintain the code. Mediator pattern unified the service interfaces...

24 апреля 2022 г.

What Is Caching? Caching is a performance optimization strategy and design consideration. Caching can significantly improve app performance by making infrequently changing (or expensive to retrieve) data more readily available. Why Caching? To eliminate the need to send requests towards the API in many cases and also to send full...


© 1999–2024 WebDynamics
1980–... Sergey Drozdov
Area of interests: .NET Framework | .NET Core | C# | ASP.NET | Windows Forms | WPF | HTML5 | CSS3 | jQuery | AJAX | Angular | React | MS SQL Server | Transact-SQL | ADO.NET | Entity Framework | IIS | OOP | OOA | OOD | WCF | WPF | MSMQ | MVC | MVP | MVVM | Design Patterns | Enterprise Architecture | Scrum | Kanban
NULL в SQL: что это такое и почему его знание необходимо каждому разработчику
Как мы столкнулись с версионированием и осознали, что вариант «просто проставить цифры» не работает
Почему айтишники переходят из одной компании в другую
Еще раз про IP-адреса, маски подсетей и вообще
Три ключевых принципа ПО, которые вы должны понимать
Почему вы никогда не должны соглашаться на собеседования с программированием
Модуль, пакет, библиотека, фреймворк: разбираемся в разнице
Мультитаскинг, или Как работать над несколькими проектами и не сойти с ума
Какого черта мы нанимаем, или осмысленность собеседований в IT
Почему сеньоры ненавидят собеседования с кодингом, и что компании должны использовать вместо них
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