Always will be ready notify the world about expectations as easy as possible: job change page
26 августа 2022 г.

We are going to discuss the RabbitMQ Message Queue and its implementation using .NET Core 6 API as Message Producer and Console Application as a Message Consumer. Agenda Introduction of RabbitMQ Benefits of using RabbitMQ Implementation of RabbitMQ in .NET Core 6 Prerequisites Visual Studio 2022 Docker Desktop .NET...

10 июля 2021 г.

I've recently gotten into using Docker in my development cycle and I'm really enjoying how much of a wonderful tool it is. One thing that always used to be a pain was setting up a development server to run SQL Server. Now with Docker, I can just spin up...

7 ноября 2020 г.

Introduction During this article, we will learn how to work with the microservice architecture patterns and Docker containers using the .NET Core 3 platform to build a distributed system. Monolithic vs Microservices Architecture Before talking about Microservices, we need to understand the difference between traditional application approach and microservices application...

20 августа 2018 г.

This article provides an introduction and conceptual background to working with .NET on Docker. Docker: Packaging your apps to deploy and run anywhere   Docker is an open platform that enables developers and administrators to build images, ship, and run distributed applications in a loosely isolated environment called a container....


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1980–... Sergey Drozdov
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