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# Название Просмотров
1. How to convert a SQL query into C# LINQ 62
2. ValueTask vs Task in C#: when to use which? 30
3. 10 Git repository naming best practices 30
4. Enjoy using Mapster in .NET 6 21
5. Reflection in C#: examples, tricks and tips 20
6. OpenAI has hired an army of contractors to make basic coding obsolete 19
7. Election Polls 18
8. Unit of Work with Generic Repository implementation using .NET Core 6 Web API 18
9. How to build a simple PHP MVC framework 15
10. Expressions in .NET: A practical guide to System.Linq.Expressions 14
11. Building a .NET distributed application with DAPR and Azure Container Apps 13
12. Unit Testing in .Net Core 6.0 Web API using xUnit 13
13. How to implement effective retry logic in C# 12
14. .NET Core — The simple step-by-step guide to creating and using a Generic Repository 12
15. Want a remote job? 18 interview questions you need to answer 12
16. CQRS and MediatR pattern implementation using .NET Core 6 Web API 11
17. .NET Core and RabbitMQ 11
18. Goodbye Controllers: Building better Blazor web apps with Vertical Slices 10
19. CRUD operations In ASP.NET Core Blazor server with Azure Cosmos DB and C# 10
20. Attributes and Decorators in C# 9
21. Exploring generating PDF files from HTML in ASP.NET Core 9
22. Integrating SignalR with React TypeScript and ASP.NET Core 9
23. Как айтишнику найти работу в США и ЕС: 9 лучших ресурсов 9
24. Poll vs Survey | Difference between a poll and a survey 8
25. Polls 8
26. Exploring the evolution of backend Software Architecture: N-Layered, DDD, Hexagon, Onion, and Clean Architecture 8
27. Dapper advanced features in .NET Core 8
28. Clean Architecture in ASP .NET Core Web API 8
29. Onion Architecture In ASP.NET Core with CQRS – Detailed 8
30. Перестаньте называть себя программистом и другие карьерные советы 7
31. Online Polls 7
32. Domain-Driven Design: Understanding value objects 7
33. How to write unit tests with Dapper 7
34. How to create image and file upload in PHP with jQuery AJAX 7
35. .NET Core microservice logging with Grafana and Loki 7
36. LINQ — How to avoid nested loops in C# 7
37. What is the best frontend option for .Net backend? 7
38. .NET Core HttpClient best practices 7
39. How to run ASP.NET Core & SQL Server from Docker 7
40. Onion Architecture in ASP.NET Core MVC 7
41. Understanding Middleware In ASP.NET Core 6
42. Mastering TypeScript: 21 best practices for improved code quality 6
43. C# parse HTML with AngleSharp 6
44. Implementation of the Redis Cache in the .NET Core API 6
45. Hexagonal Architecture ASP.NET Core 6
46. C# Blazor Vs Razor: Differences with example 6
47. REST API Naming Conventions and Best Practices 6
48. Implement gRPC global exception handler in ASP.NET 6
49. Upload and download multiple files using .NET 5.0 Web API 6
50. Opinion Polls 5

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