Are you facing a high turnover rate in your company? Are your employees feeling stressed out and unhappy all the time? Are there low rates of production in your company?
Bad managers and superiors cause a long-lasting impact of problems in your company when they are permitted to remain in their current position or are promoted, as this significantly affects the productivity and morale of lower levelled employees.
It is important for a company to understand how much a bad manager can cause such negative impact on the employees, and identify whose actions are destructive to your company.
How this normally happens is due to the lack of training in the workplace.
Your employees can only contribute to the company’s success when they are trained to perform their responsibilities according to the industry standards. Training is an ever-needed essential to any individual or a company, especially for a management in general, as well as the employees. Some companies will consider advanced training on unnecessary expenses and expect the new employees to learn on the job from managers and superiors. However, it is important to note that this type of training is often inadequate and thus, creates more problems for the company.
1. Poor hiring decisions causes lower morale
Are resumes and CVs are the only important ones to consider?

Some companies tend to investigate only the work effectiveness of an individual, rather than one who is capable in handling emotions and relationships with their subordinates. A company focuses on the image that the managers and superiors bring as how often they portray themselves as a leader to the upper management.
A lot of things can be built up in this negative environment such as, lack of work-life balance due to overloading of work, lack of mutual understanding and lack of communication.
Poor treatment from a manager or superior are bad managers who can easily lead to low morale of the employees in the company. When nothing seems to satisfy the manager or superior, it will be difficult for these employees to maintain a high energy level or enthusiasm in their jobs.
With the lack of mutual understanding from the manager or superior, they will not understand the importance of praising and recognizing the employees’ efforts and achievements. This eventually leads to the employees feeling unappreciated and unwilling to perform at a high level, or even to an acceptable level. This behavior will lead to sabotaging the productivity effectiveness in the company.
The International Institute of Management notes that most employees who feel abused or unappreciated, ends up leaving the company to work for a competitor who eventually becomes emotionally distance and potentially displays a passive-aggressive behavior.
2. The strains and potential health risks caused by a bad manager
Are your employees always absent?

There is no doubt a strain of working for a bad manager or superior which causes physical and emotional symptoms that somehow leads to the employees not performing well in the company.
When an individual feels overwhelmed at work, you lose the confidence and might become irritable or withdrawn – affecting your productivity. There is also a potential for the employee to feel depressed and might find it difficult for them to concentrate on complex responsibilities. One may even feel the anxiety about satisfying the manager or superior, which results in a type of an emotional paralysis where these employees are constantly feeling afraid to make decisions or move ahead with a project.
These employees will receive physical manifestations from the overbuilt stress such as fatigue, headache, muscle aches, gastrointestinal problems, and insomnia. This leads to a potential health risk to the employees and an increase of absentee rate in the company.
3. Ineffective employee management
Are your managers and superiors trained well enough?

When managers or superiors are not adequately trained, it affects the entire company in general. It is important for managers or superiors to be trained in how to manage their subordinates, emotions, delegating workload, resolving conflicts between the employees, motivating, and adapting to changes within the company.
Why is this so?
Most employees look up to the upper management to solve these issues and become disappointed when it is lacking in the company. This again leads to the decrease in morale and they will not care more about their work or productivity in what they are doing.
4. Potential loss of customers
Bad managers can cause a potential loss of customers. Just how bad is it?

Untrained employees cannot produce high-quality performance and service, as they lack adequate knowledge and skills to provide satisfactory customer service, thus leading to a combination results of dissatisfied customers.
In the long run, the company will face declining sales if dissatisfied customers choose competitors who can provide quality service and products to them. This in turn, affects your company reputation.
Your company reputation comprises common opinions that people have about your business based on their experiences. Creating and maintaining a good public image that comes from your managers or superiors, along with your employees will give your company an edge over other competing businesses in terms of survival in the industry.
Just remember, you may likely to lose prospective customers to your competitors if your client are not satisfied about your company.
In conclusion…
Understanding and displaying good management skills will help to position you for a successful career no matter what level you are starting at in any company. This may be something that you hear a lot about; yet you may find yourself at loss to define what this term really means. Managers or superiors need to ensure that their subordinates can understand the company protocols and demonstrate that they can follow them routinely. Afterall, who else would they be looking up to when it comes to career progression?
It is important to understand how to manage yourself and manage your subordinates who plays an important role in your team to make work more valuable and effective for the company.