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Books for developers

Practical Entity Framework Core 6, Second Edition

Practical Entity Framework Core 6, Second Edition

Database Access for Enterprise Applications


Take a developer journey that paves the way to enterprise-level database access from .NET and C# using the object-relational mapper (ORM) of choice. This second edition is revised to cover Entity Framework Core 5 and 6 (EF) and includes new content on table-per-type mapping, LINQ improvements (filtered includes), many-to-many navigation changes, split queries, simple logging using the DBCommandInterceptor, and other improvements available in EF Core 6. Real-world examples and considerations are presented in this book to help you create robust and efficient database solutions. Throughout the text, actual problems, questions, and common pitfalls are provided to help you recognize optimal solutions for maximum success in the different application scenarios you might encounter.

Entity Framework Tutorial, Second Edition
Автор: Joydip Kanjilal
Год: 2015
The ADO.NET Entity Framework from Microsoft is a new ADO.NET development framework that provides a level of abstraction for data access strategies and solves the impedance mismatch issues that exist between different data models.This book explores Microsoft’s Entity Framework and...
MongoDB in Action
Автор: Kyle Banker
Год: 2011
MongoDB in Action is a comprehensive guide to MongoDB for application developers. The book begins by explaining what makes MongoDB unique and describing its ideal use cases. A series of tutorials designed for MongoDB mastery then leads into detailed examples...
Professional NoSQL
Автор: Shashank Tiwari
Год: 2011
THE GROWTH OF USER-DRIVEN CONTENT has fueled a rapid increase in the volume and type of data that is generated, manipulated, analyzed, and archived. In addition, varied newer sets of sources, including sensors, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), automated trackers and...
Работа с PostgreSQL, настройка и масштабирование
Автор: Васильев А.Ю.
Год: 2014
Перед вами справочное пособие по настройке и масштабированию PostgreSQL. В книге исследуются вопросы по настройке производительности PostgreSQL, репликации и кластеризации. Изобилие реальных примеров позволит как начинающим, так и опытным разработчикам быстро разобраться с особенностями масштабирования PostgreSQL для своих приложений....
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