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Books for developers

Get Programming with JavaScript

Get Programming with JavaScript

Get Programming with JavaScript favorites 0

Get Programming with JavaScript is a hands-on introduction to programming for readers who have never programmed. You'll be writing your own web apps, games, and programs in no time! Foreword by Remy Sharp.

About the Book

Are you ready to start writing your own web apps, games, and programs? You’re in the right place! Get Programming with JavaScript is a hands-on introduction to programming for readers who have never written a line of code. Since you’re just getting started, this friendly book offers you lots of examples backed by careful explanations. As you go along, you’ll find exercises to check your understanding and plenty of opportunities to practice your new skills. You don’t need any­thing special to follow the examples—just the text editor and web browser already installed on your computer. We even give you links to working online code so you can see how everything should look live on your screen.

What’s Inside

- All the basics—objects, functions, responding to users, and more
- Think like a coder and design your own programs
- Create a text-based adventure game
- Enhance web pages with JavaScript
- Run your programs in a web browser
- Four bonus chapters available online

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