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Books for developers

Сюрреализм на JavaScript

Сюрреализм на JavaScript



Книга о разработке игр и приложений на Javascript. В книге встречается множество отсылок к авторам различных публикаций и экспертам фронтенд-разработки. Также затрагивается тема кроссплатформенной разработки на javascript для различных устройств, XSS атаки, обфускация кода, и конвертирования HTML в EXE, НТА, СНМ и т.п. Эта книга рассчитана, в основном, на опытных веб-разработчиков, которые делают сайты не один год.

Programming JavaScript Applications
Автор: Eric Elliott
Год: 2014
Take advantage of JavaScript’s power to build robust web-scale or enterprise applications that are easy to extend and maintain. By applying the design patterns outlined in this practical book, experienced JavaScript developers will learn how to write flexible and resilient...
You Don't Know JS: this & Object Prototypes
Автор: Kyle Simpson
Год: 2014
No matter how much experience you have with JavaScript, odds are you don’t fully understand the language. This concise, in-depth guide takes you inside JavaScript’s this structure and object prototypes. You’ll learn how they work and why they’re integral to...
Data Structures and Algorithms with JavaScript
Автор: Michael McMillan
Год: 2014
As an experienced JavaScript developer moving to server-side programming, you need to implement classic data structures and algorithms associated with conventional object-oriented languages like C# and Java. This practical guide shows you how to work hands-on with a variety of...
The Art of Micro Frontends
Автор: Florian Rappl
Год: 2021
Apply your experience of web development with HTML and JavaScript to build micro frontends for large-scale web projects using frameworks such as React and popular web tooling such as Node.js with Express or webpack.Key Features: Cut through...
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