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Books for developers

.NET Core in Action

.NET Core in Action

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.NET Core is a subset of the .NET framework with libraries and runtimes that drastically reduce its footprint, so you can write and run .NET applications more efficiently.

.NET Core in Action shows .NET developers how to build professional software applications with .NET Core. By the end of this book, readers will be able to convert existing .NET code to work on multiple platforms or start new projects with knowledge of the tools and capabilities of .NET Core.

Pro Entity Framework Core 2 for ASP.NET Core MVC
Автор: Adam Freeman
Год: 2018
Model, map, and access data effectively with Entity Framework Core 2, the latest evolution of Microsoft’s object-relational mapping framework that allows developers to access data using .NET objects, and the most common data access layer used in ASP.NET Core MVC...
ASP.NET Core in Action
Автор: Andrew Lock
Год: 2018
ASP.NET Core in Action is for C# developers without any web development experience who want to get started and productive fast using ASP.NET Core 2.0 to build web applications....
Integrating Serverless Architecture
Автор: Rami Vemula
Год: 2019
Design, develop, build, and deliver an end-to-end serverless architecture by leveraging Azure services, frameworks, and tools. This book offers a holistic approach, guiding you through the design and development of a Twitter Bot application, while leveraging Azure Functions.Integrating Serverless Architecture...
Stylish F#. Crafting Elegant Functional Code for .Net and .Net Core
Автор: Kit Eason
Год: 2018
Why just get by in F# when you can program in style! This book goes beyond syntax and into design. It provides F# developers with best practices, guidance, and advice to write beautiful, maintainable, and correct code.Stylish F# covers every...
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