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Книги для разработчиков

.NET Core in Action

.NET Core in Action

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.NET Core is a subset of the .NET framework with libraries and runtimes that drastically reduce its footprint, so you can write and run .NET applications more efficiently.

.NET Core in Action shows .NET developers how to build professional software applications with .NET Core. By the end of this book, readers will be able to convert existing .NET code to work on multiple platforms or start new projects with knowledge of the tools and capabilities of .NET Core.

Язык программирования C# 7 и платформы .NET и .NET Core
Автор: Эндрю Троелсен, Филипп Джепикс
Год: 2018
Эта книга представляет собой полный источник сведений о языке программирования C# и о связанной с ним инфраструктуре. В 8-м издании книги вы найдете описание функциональных возможностей самых последних версий C# 7.0 и 7.1 и .NET 4.7, а также совершенно новые...
Pro ASP.NET Core MVC, Sixth Edition
Автор: Adam Freeman
Год: 2016
Web API Development with ASP.NET Core 8
Автор: Xiaodi Yan
Год: 2024
Develop web API applications using design patterns, advanced customization, and cutting-edge technologies, such as SignalR, gRPC, and GraphQL, while leveraging powerful cloud platforms and tools to accelerate development.Key features Gain proficiency in building modern ASP.NET Core web...
Microservices in .NET Core
Автор: Christian Horsdal Gammelgaard
Год: 2017
Microservices in .NET Core provides a complete guide to building microservice applications. After a crystal-clear introduction to the microservices architectural style, the book will teach you practical development skills in that style, using OWIN and Nancy.About the TechnologyMicroservice applications are...
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