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Книги для разработчиков

Windows PowerShell in Action, 2nd Edition

Windows PowerShell in Action, 2nd Edition

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Practical Automation with PowerShell
Автор: Matthew Dowst
Год: 2023
Take PowerShell beyond simple scripts and build time-saving automations for your team, your users, and the world.In Practical Automation with PowerShell you will learn how to: Build PowerShell functions to automate common and complex tasks ...
Learning PowerShell DSC, Second Edition
Автор: James Pogran
Год: 2017
James Pogran has been working with computers in one way or another for over 15 years. His first job involved systems administration for a large military installation. He then moved on to develop monitoring software and automating large-scale Windows environments...
Windows PowerShell in Action, 3rd Edition
Автор: Bruce Payette
Год: 2017
Windows PowerShell in Action, Third Edition is the definitive guide to PowerShell, now revised to cover PowerShell 6.In 2006, Windows PowerShell reinvented the way administrators and developers interact with Windows. Today, PowerShell is required knowledge for Windows admins and devs....
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