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Books for developers

Windows PowerShell in Action, 3rd Edition

Windows PowerShell in Action, 3rd Edition

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Windows PowerShell in Action, Third Edition is the definitive guide to PowerShell, now revised to cover PowerShell 6.
In 2006, Windows PowerShell reinvented the way administrators and developers interact with Windows. Today, PowerShell is required knowledge for Windows admins and devs. This powerful, dynamic language provides command-line control of the Windows OS and most Windows servers, such as Exchange and SCCM. And because it's a first-class .NET language, you can build amazing shell scripts and tools without reaching for VB or C#.

Windows PowerShell in Action, Third Edition is the definitive guide to PowerShell, now revised to cover PowerShell 6. Written by language designer Bruce Payette and MVP Richard Siddaway, this rich book offers a crystal-clear introduction to the language along with its essential everyday use cases. Beyond the basics, you'll find detailed examples on deep topics like performance, module architecture, and parallel execution.

What's Inside
- The best end-to-end coverage of PowerShell available
- Updated with coverage of PowerShell v6
- PowerShell workflows
- PowerShell classes
- Writing modules and scripts
- Desired State Configuration
- Programming APIs and pipelines

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