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Книги для разработчиков

Pro REST API Development with Node.js

Pro REST API Development with Node.js

Pro REST API Development with Node.js favorites 0

Pro REST API Development with Node.js is your guide to managing and understanding the full capabilities of successful REST development. API design is a hot topic in the programming world, but not many resources exist for developers to really understand how you can leverage the advantages.

This book will provide a brief background on REST and the tools it provides (well known and not so well known). Understand how there is more to REST than just JSON and URLs. You will then cover and compare the maintained modules currently available in the npm community, including Express, Restify, Vatican, and Swagger. Finally you will code an example API from start to finish, using a subset of the tools covered.

The Node community is currently flooded with modules; some of them are published once and never updated again - cluttering the entire universe of packages. Pro REST API Development with Node.js shines light into that black hole of modules for the developers trying to create an API. Understand REST API development with Node.js using this book today.

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