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Книги для разработчиков

NoSQL: Database for Storage and Retrieval of Data in Cloud

NoSQL: Database for Storage and Retrieval of Data in Cloud



This book discusses the advanced databases for the cloud-based application known as NoSQL. It will explore the recent advancements in NoSQL database technology. Chapters on structured, unstructured and hybrid databases will be included to explore bigdata analytics, bigdata storage and processing. The book is likely to cover a wide range of topics such as cloud computing, social computing, bigdata and advanced databases processing techniques.


  • Includes case studies for practitioners and chapters contributed by experts;
  • Introduces new topics for research;
  • Presents topics related to advanced data mining techniques;
  • Provides references for further reading and research on Advanced Databases for Cloud Computing applications.
NoSQL DISTILLED. A Brief Guide to the Emerging World of Polyglot Persistence
Автор: Martin Fowler, Pramod J. Sadalage
Год: 2013
Необходимость обрабатывать все более крупные объемы данных является одним из факторов, влияющих на внедрение нового класса нереляционных баз данных NoSQL. Сторонники баз NoSQL утверждают, что их можно использовать для создания более производительных, легче масштабируемых и проще программируемых систем.В этой книге...
MongoDB in Action
Автор: Kyle Banker
Год: 2011
MongoDB in Action is a comprehensive guide to MongoDB for application developers. The book begins by explaining what makes MongoDB unique and describing its ideal use cases. A series of tutorials designed for MongoDB mastery then leads into detailed examples...
Troubleshooting PostgreSQL
Автор: Hans-Jürgen Schönig
Год: 2015
PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source, object-relational database system. PostgreSQL offers many advantages for your company or business over other database systems.This book is your practical guide to understanding the advanced techniques used to handle complex data and methods to...
PostgreSQL Server Programming, Second Edition
Автор: Usama Dar, Hannu Krosing, Jim Mlodgenski, Kirk Roybal
Год: 2015
This book will show you that PostgreSQL is so much more than a database server. In fact, it could even be seen as an application development framework, with the added bonuses of transaction support, massive data storage, journaling, recovery, and...
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