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Книги для разработчиков

NoSQL: Database for Storage and Retrieval of Data in Cloud

NoSQL: Database for Storage and Retrieval of Data in Cloud



This book discusses the advanced databases for the cloud-based application known as NoSQL. It will explore the recent advancements in NoSQL database technology. Chapters on structured, unstructured and hybrid databases will be included to explore bigdata analytics, bigdata storage and processing. The book is likely to cover a wide range of topics such as cloud computing, social computing, bigdata and advanced databases processing techniques.


  • Includes case studies for practitioners and chapters contributed by experts;
  • Introduces new topics for research;
  • Presents topics related to advanced data mining techniques;
  • Provides references for further reading and research on Advanced Databases for Cloud Computing applications.
Practical Entity Framework Core 6, Second Edition
Автор: Brian L. Gorman
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Practical Azure SQL Database for Modern Developers
Автор: Mauri, D., Coriani, S., Hoffman, A., Mishra, S., Popovic, J.
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Here is the expert-level, insider guidance you need on using Azure SQL Database as your back-end data store. This book highlights best practices in everything ranging from full-stack projects to mobile applications to critical, back-end APIs. The book provides instruction...
PostgreSQL 9.0 High Performance
Автор: Gregory Smith
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Next Generation Databases: NoSQL, NewSQL, and Big Data
Автор: Guy Harrison
Год: 2015
This is a book for enterprise architects, database administrators, and developers who need to understand the latest developments in database technologies. It is the book to help you choose the correct database technology at a time when concepts such as...
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