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Books for developers

Code-First Development with Entity Framework

Code-First Development with Entity Framework


2,14 MB

This book is intended for software developers with some prior experience with the Microsoft .NET framework who want to learn how to use Entity Framework. This book will get you up and running quickly, providing many examples that illustrate all the key concepts of Entity Framework.

What You Will Learn

- Understand what ORM tools are and what problems they solve
- Set up a .NET application to use Entity Framework
- Write Entity Framework code that creates, updates, and deletes application data in a database
- Learn how to query the data using LINQ and gain insight into how LINQ fits into Entity Framework
- Create a database structure using the Entity Framework configuration API
- Evolve the database structure using migrations
- Write asynchronous code and handle concurrency
- Work with stored procedures and functions using Entity Framework

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1980–... Sergey Drozdov
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