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Books for developers

High Performance JavaScript

High Performance JavaScript



If you’re like most developers, you rely heavily on JavaScript to build interactive and quick-responding web applications. The problem is that all of those lines of JavaScript code can slow down your apps. This book reveals techniques and strategies to help you eliminate performance bottlenecks during development. You’ll learn how to improve execution time, downloading, interaction with the DOM, page life cycle, and more.

Yahoo! frontend engineer Nicholas C. Zakas and five other JavaScript experts — Ross Harmes, Julien Lecomte, Steven Levithan, Stoyan Stefanov, and Matt Sweeney — demonstrate optimal ways to load code onto a page, and offer programming tips to help your JavaScript run as efficiently and quickly as possible. You’ll learn the best practices to build and deploy your files to a production environment, and tools that can help you find problems once your site goes live.

Identify problem code and use faster alternatives to accomplish the same task.
Improve scripts by learning how JavaScript stores and accesses data.
Implement JavaScript code so that it doesn’t slow down interaction with the DOM.
Use optimization techniques to improve runtime performance.
Learn ways to ensure the UI is responsive at all times.
Achieve faster client-server communication.
Use a build system to minify files, and HTTP compression to deliver them to the browser.

Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja
Автор: John Resig, Bear Bibeault
Год: 2012
JavaScript developers commonly rely on collections of reusable JavaScript code–written by themselves or by someone else at their company. Alternatively, they rely on code from a third party. But in all these cases they need to know how to either...
You Don't Know JS: Up & Going
Автор: Kyle Simpson
Год: 2015
The series’ first book, Up & Going, provides the necessary background for those of you with limited programming experience. By learning the basic building blocks of programming, as well as JavaScript’s core mechanisms, you’ll be prepared to dive into the...
You Don't Know JS: this & Object Prototypes
Автор: Kyle Simpson
Год: 2014
No matter how much experience you have with JavaScript, odds are you don’t fully understand the language. This concise, in-depth guide takes you inside JavaScript’s this structure and object prototypes. You’ll learn how they work and why they’re integral to...
Сила JavaScript
Автор: Дэвид Херман
Год: 2013
Эта книга поможет вам освоить всю мощь языка программирования JavaScript и научит применять его максимально эффективно. Автор описывает внутреннюю работу языка на понятных практических примерах, которые помогут как начинающим программистам, так и опытным разработчикам повысить уровень понимания JavaScript и существенно...
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