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Книги для разработчиков

Pro .NET Memory Management

Pro .NET Memory Management

For Better Code, Performance, and Scalability


Understand .NET memory management internal workings, pitfalls, and techniques in order to effectively avoid a wide range of performance and scalability problems in your software. Despite automatic memory management in .NET, there are many advantages to be found in understanding how .NET memory works and how you can best write software that interacts with it efficiently and effectively. Pro .NET Memory Management is your comprehensive guide to writing better software by understanding and working with memory management in .NET.

Thoroughly vetted by the .NET Team at Microsoft, this book contains 25 valuable troubleshooting scenarios designed to help diagnose challenging memory problems. Readers will also benefit from a multitude of .NET memory management “rules” to live by that introduce methods for writing memory-aware code and the means for avoiding common, destructive pitfalls.

What You'll Learn

  • Understand the theoretical underpinnings of automatic memory management.
  • Take a deep dive into every aspect of .NET memory management, including detailed coverage of garbage collection (GC) implementation, that would otherwise take years of experience to acquire.
  • Get practical advice on how this knowledge can be applied in real-world software development.
  • Use practical knowledge of tools related to .NET memory management to diagnose various memory-related issues.
  • Explore various aspects of advanced memory management, including use of Span and Memory types.

Who This Book Is For

.NET developers, solution architects, and performance engineers.

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LinkedIn: Sergey Drozdov
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