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Clojure High Performance Programming

Clojure High Performance Programming

Understand performance aspects and write high performance code with Clojure
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Clojure is a young, dynamic, functional programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine. It is built with performance, pragmatism, and simplicity in mind. Like most general purpose languages, Clojure’s features have different performance characteristics that one should know in order to write high performance code.

Clojure High Performance Programming is a practical, to-the-point guide that shows you how to evaluate the performance implications of different Clojure abstractions, learn about their underpinnings, and apply the right approach for optimum performance in real-world programs.

This book discusses the Clojure language in the light of performance factors that you can exploit in your own code.

You will also learn about hardware and JVM internals that also impact Clojure’s performance. Key features include performance vocabulary, performance analysis, optimization techniques, and how to apply these to your programs. You will also find detailed information on Clojure's concurrency, state-management, and parallelization primitives.

This book is your key to writing high performance Clojure code using the right abstraction, in the right place, using the right technique.

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