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Microservices in .NET Core

Microservices in .NET Core

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Microservices in .NET Core provides a complete guide to building microservice applications. After a crystal-clear introduction to the microservices architectural style, the book will teach you practical development skills in that style, using OWIN and Nancy.

About the Technology

Microservice applications are built by connecting single-capability, autonomous components that communicate via APIs. These systems can be challenging to develop because they demand clearly defined interfaces and reliable infrastructure. Fortunately for .NET developers, OWIN (the Open Web Interface for .NET), and the Nancy web framework help minimize plumbing code and simplify the task of building microservice-based applications.

About the Book

Microservices in .NET Core provides a complete guide to building microservice applications. After a crystal-clear introduction to the microservices architectural style, the book will teach you practical development skills in that style, using OWIN and Nancy. You'll design and build individual services in C# and learn how to compose them into a simple but functional application back end. Along the way, you'll address production and operations concerns like monitoring, logging, and security.

What's Inside

- Design robust and ops-friendly services.
- Build HTTP APIs with Nancy.
- Expose events via feeds with Nancy.
- Use OWIN middleware for plumbing.
- About the Reader.

This book is written for C# developers. No previous experience with microservices required.

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