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Jun 3, 2024

Delegates in C#: A comprehensive guide

Delegates in C#: A comprehensive guide
Delegates in C#: A comprehensive guide favorites 0


Delegates are a fundamental concept in C# that allow you to treat methods as objects. They provide a way to define a type that represents a reference to a method, enabling you to encapsulate and pass around methods as parameters, store them in variables, and invoke them whenever needed. In this in-depth article, we’ll explore the various aspects of delegates in C# and discover their real-world applications through practical examples.

Understanding Delegate Syntax

A delegate is essentially a type that defines the signature of a method. It specifies the return type and parameter types of the method it represents. Here’s the syntax for declaring a delegate:

public delegate ReturnType DelegateName(ParameterType1 parameter1, ParameterType2 parameter2, ...);

Example: Declaring a Delegate

Let’s say we have a simple calculator application that performs arithmetic operations. We can define a delegate to represent a mathematical operation:

public delegate int MathOperation(int a, int b);

In this example, MathOperation is a delegate that takes two integers as parameters and returns an integer result.

Creating and Invoking Delegates

Once you have declared a delegate, you can create an instance of it by assigning a method that matches its signature. The method can be a static method or an instance method of a class.

Example: Creating and Invoking a Delegate

Continuing with our calculator example, let’s define methods for addition and multiplication:

public static int Add(int a, int b)
    return a + b;

public static int Multiply(int a, int b)
    return a * b;

We can create instances of the MathOperation delegate and assign the Add and Multiply methods to them:

MathOperation addOperation = Add;
MathOperation multiplyOperation = Multiply;

To invoke the delegates, we simply call them like regular methods:

int result1 = addOperation(5, 3); // Returns 8
int result2 = multiplyOperation(4, 2); // Returns 8

Multicast Delegates

One of the powerful features of delegates in C# is the ability to create multicast delegates. A multicast delegate is a delegate that holds references to multiple methods. When invoked, a multicast delegate calls all the methods it holds in sequence.

Example: Multicast Delegates

Let’s extend our calculator example to include logging functionality. We’ll define a LogOperation method that logs the operation performed:

public static void LogOperation(int a, int b, string operation)
    Console.WriteLine($"Performing {operation} on {a} and {b}");

We can create a multicast delegate by combining the MathOperation delegate with the LogOperation method using the + operator:

MathOperation multicastDelegate = addOperation + multiplyOperation;
multicastDelegate += (a, b) => LogOperation(a, b, "Addition and Multiplication");

When we invoke the multicastDelegate, it will execute both the Add and Multiply methods, followed by the LogOperation method:

int result = multicastDelegate(5, 3);
// Output:
// Performing Addition and Multiplication on 5 and 3
// Result: 8

Real-World Use Cases

Delegates find numerous applications in real-world scenarios. Let’s explore a few examples:

1. Event Handling

Delegates are commonly used for event handling in C#. They allow you to define a type that represents an event and associate multiple event handlers with it. When the event is raised, all the registered event handlers are invoked.

Example: Button Click Event

Consider a simple UI application with a button. We can define a delegate for the button click event:

public delegate void ButtonClickHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);

We can then create an instance of the delegate and associate it with the button’s Click event:

Button button = new Button();
button.Click += new ButtonClickHandler(ButtonClicked);

When the button is clicked, the ButtonClicked method will be invoked.

2. Callback Mechanisms

Delegates are often used to implement callback mechanisms. A callback is a method that is passed as an argument to another method and is invoked when a specific event or condition occurs.

Example: Asynchronous Data Fetching

Suppose we have an application that fetches data from a remote API asynchronously. We can define a delegate to represent the callback method that will be invoked when the data is successfully fetched:

public delegate void DataFetchedCallback(string data);

We can then pass an instance of the delegate to the data fetching method:

public void FetchData(string url, DataFetchedCallback callback)
    // Asynchronously fetch data from the URL
    // ...
    // Invoke the callback when data is fetched

The caller of the FetchData method can provide a specific implementation of the callback:

FetchData("https://api.example.com/data", DisplayData);

// ...

public void DisplayData(string data)
    Console.WriteLine($"Fetched Data: {data}");

3. Strategy Pattern

Delegates can be used to implement the Strategy pattern, where you define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. This allows the algorithm to vary independently from clients that use it.

Example: Sorting Algorithms

Let’s say we have a collection of integers that we want to sort using different sorting algorithms. We can define a delegate to represent a sorting strategy:

public delegate void SortStrategy(List<int> numbers);

We can then implement different sorting algorithms as methods:

public static void BubbleSort(List<int> numbers)
    // Bubble sort implementation
    // ...

public static void QuickSort(List<int> numbers)
    // Quick sort implementation
    // ...

The client code can choose the desired sorting strategy by creating an instance of the delegate and passing it to a method that performs the sorting:

List<int> numbers = new List<int> { 5, 2, 9, 1, 7 };
SortStrategy sortStrategy = BubbleSort;

Sort(numbers, sortStrategy);

// ...

public void Sort(List<int> numbers, SortStrategy sortStrategy)

This allows the sorting algorithm to be easily swapped without modifying the client code.

Advanced Concepts and Techniques with Delegates in C#

We explored the fundamentals of delegates in C# and their real-world applications. Now, let’s dive deeper into some advanced concepts and techniques that will take your delegate skills to the next level. We’ll explore delegate inference, anonymous methods, lambda expressions, and the Func and Action delegate types. Get ready to unleash the full potential of delegates in your C# code!

Delegate Inference

C# allows you to simplify the syntax for creating delegate instances using delegate inference. Instead of explicitly specifying the delegate type, you can let the compiler infer it based on the method you’re assigning.

Example: Delegate Inference

Consider the MathOperation delegate we defined in the previous article:

public delegate int MathOperation(int a, int b);

With delegate inference, you can create an instance of the delegate without explicitly mentioning its type:

MathOperation addOperation = Add;

The compiler infers that addOperation is of type MathOperation based on the signature of the Add method.

Anonymous Methods

Anonymous methods allow you to define inline methods without specifying a name. They provide a convenient way to create delegates on the fly without the need for a separate named method.

Example: Anonymous Methods

Let’s say we have a method that takes a delegate as a parameter and invokes it with some data:

public void ProcessData(Func<int, int> processor, int data)
    int result = processor(data);
    Console.WriteLine($"Processed Data: {result}");

Instead of defining a separate named method, we can use an anonymous method to provide the implementation inline:

ProcessData(delegate(int x) { return x * 2; }, 5);

In this example, we create an anonymous method that multiplies the input by 2 and pass it as the processor delegate to the ProcessData method.

Lambda Expressions

Lambda expressions provide a concise way to create anonymous methods using a compact syntax. They are especially useful when working with delegates and LINQ (Language Integrated Query).

Example: Lambda Expressions

Using the same ProcessData method from the previous example, we can rewrite the anonymous method using a lambda expression:

ProcessData(x => x * 2, 5);

The lambda expression x => x * 2 is equivalent to the anonymous method delegate(int x) { return x * 2; }. It takes a parameter x and returns the result of multiplying x by 2.

Lambda expressions can also be assigned to delegate variables:

Func<int, int> squareOperation = x => x * x;
int result = squareOperation(4); // Returns 16

Func and Action Delegate Types

C# provides built-in delegate types called Func and Action that cover a wide range of method signatures. These delegate types eliminate the need to define custom delegates in many cases.

Example: Func Delegate

The Func delegate type represents a function that takes zero to 16 parameters and returns a value. Here's an example:

Func<int, int, int> multiply = (a, b) => a * b;
int result = multiply(3, 4); // Returns 12

In this example, multiply is a Func delegate that takes two integers and returns their product.

Example: Action Delegate

The Action delegate type represents a function that takes zero to 16 parameters and doesn't return a value. Here's an example:

Action<string> greet = name => Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {name}!");
greet("John"); // Output: Hello, John!

In this example, greet is an Action delegate that takes a string parameter and prints a greeting message.

Real-World Use Cases

1. LINQ Query Expressions

Delegates, particularly lambda expressions, are extensively used in LINQ query expressions to define the filtering, sorting, and projection logic.

Example: LINQ Query with Lambda Expressions

Suppose we have a collection of products and we want to filter and sort them based on certain criteria:

List<Product> products = GetProducts();

var filteredProducts = products
    .Where(p => p.Category == "Electronics")
    .OrderBy(p => p.Price)
    .Select(p => new { p.Name, p.Price });

In this example, we use lambda expressions with the Where, OrderBy, and Select methods to filter products by category, sort them by price, and project the results into a new anonymous type.

2. Asynchronous Programming

Delegates are commonly used in asynchronous programming patterns, such as the Asynchronous Programming Model (APM) and the Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP).

Example: Asynchronous File Reading

Here’s an example of asynchronously reading a file using the APM pattern:

public void ReadFileAsync(string filePath, Action<string> callback)
    FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
    byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];

    fileStream.BeginRead(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, delegate (IAsyncResult ar)
        int bytesRead = fileStream.EndRead(ar);
        string content = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
    }, null);

In this example, we use the BeginRead method to start an asynchronous read operation on a file. We provide an anonymous method as the callback delegate, which is invoked when the read operation completes. The callback receives the file content and invokes the provided callback delegate.

3. Event-Driven Architecture

Delegates form the foundation of event-driven architectures in C#. They allow you to define and raise events, and provide a way for event handlers to subscribe to and handle those events.

Example: Custom Event

Let’s create a custom event using delegates:

public class Button
    public delegate void ClickEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);
    public event ClickEventHandler Click;

    public void OnClick()
        Click?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

In this example, we define a Button class with a Click event of type ClickEventHandler. The OnClick method raises the event by invoking the delegate using the ?. null-conditional operator.

Event handlers can subscribe to the event and handle it accordingly:

Button button = new Button();
button.Click += Button_Click;

// ...

private void Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Console.WriteLine("Button clicked!");

Diving Deeper into Delegates: Exploring Advanced Scenarios

We covered the fundamentals of delegates in C# and explored some advanced concepts and techniques. Now, let’s dive even deeper into the world of delegates and explore some advanced scenarios that will showcase their true power and versatility. We’ll discuss delegate composition, delegate caching, and using delegates with interfaces. Get ready to level up your delegate skills!

Delegate Composition

Delegate composition allows you to combine multiple delegates into a single delegate, creating a powerful and flexible way to execute multiple methods in a single invocation.

Example: Delegate Composition with the + Operator

Suppose we have two methods that perform different operations on a number:

public static int Double(int x)
    return x * 2;

public static int Square(int x)
    return x * x;

We can create a composed delegate that combines both operations using the + operator:

Func<int, int> doubleAndSquare = Double + Square;
int result = doubleAndSquare(3); // Returns 36

In this example, the doubleAndSquare delegate is composed of the Double and Square methods. When invoked, it executes both methods in sequence, first doubling the input and then squaring the result.

Example: Delegate Composition with the - Operator

Delegate composition also allows you to remove a delegate from a composed delegate using the - operator:

Func<int, int> doubleOnly = doubleAndSquare - Square;
int result = doubleOnly(3); // Returns 6

In this example, we remove the Square method from the doubleAndSquare delegate, resulting in a new delegate doubleOnly that only performs the doubling operation.

Delegate Caching

Delegate caching is a technique that helps optimize the performance of delegate invocations by avoiding the overhead of repeatedly creating delegate instances.

Example: Delegate Caching

Consider a scenario where you have a method that takes a delegate as a parameter and invokes it multiple times:

public void ProcessData(Func<int, int> processor, List<int> data)
    foreach (int item in data)
        int result = processor(item);
        Console.WriteLine($"Processed Data: {result}");

Instead of creating a new delegate instance each time the method is called, we can cache the delegate and reuse it:

private static Func<int, int> cachedProcessor;

public void ProcessDataWithCaching(Func<int, int> processor, List<int> data)
    if (cachedProcessor == null)
        cachedProcessor = processor;

    foreach (int item in data)
        int result = cachedProcessor(item);
        Console.WriteLine($"Processed Data: {result}");

In this example, we introduce a cachedProcessor field to store the delegate instance. If the delegate is not already cached, we assign the provided processor delegate to it. Then, we use the cached delegate inside the loop to process the data.

Delegate caching can provide performance benefits, especially when dealing with frequently invoked delegates or large datasets.

Delegates with Interfaces

Delegates can be used in conjunction with interfaces to create flexible and extensible designs. By defining delegates as members of interfaces, you can create contracts that allow different implementations to provide their own behavior.

Example: Delegates in Interfaces

Let’s define an interface for a calculator that supports different operations:

public interface ICalculator
    Func<double, double, double> Addition { get; }
    Func<double, double, double> Subtraction { get; }
    Func<double, double, double> Multiplication { get; }
    Func<double, double, double> Division { get; }

In this example, the ICalculator interface defines delegates for different arithmetic operations.

We can create a concrete implementation of the interface:

public class Calculator : ICalculator
    public Func<double, double, double> Addition => (a, b) => a + b;
    public Func<double, double, double> Subtraction => (a, b) => a - b;
    public Func<double, double, double> Multiplication => (a, b) => a * b;
    public Func<double, double, double> Division => (a, b) => a / b;

The Calculator class implements the ICalculator interface and provides the actual implementations for each operation using lambda expressions.

Now, we can use the interface to perform calculations:

ICalculator calculator = new Calculator();
double result = calculator.Addition(5, 3); // Returns 8

By using delegates in interfaces, you can create flexible designs where different implementations can provide their own behavior for the defined operations.

Real-World Use Cases

1. Plug-in Architecture

Delegates can be used to create plug-in architectures where different modules can be dynamically loaded and executed based on a defined contract.

Example: Plug-in Architecture

Suppose we have an application that allows users to apply different image filters. We can define an interface for image filters:

public interface IImageFilter
    Func<Bitmap, Bitmap> ApplyFilter { get; }

Different filter implementations can implement the interface and provide their own filter logic:

public class GrayscaleFilter : IImageFilter
    public Func<Bitmap, Bitmap> ApplyFilter => ConvertToGrayscale;

    private Bitmap ConvertToGrayscale(Bitmap image)
        // Grayscale filter implementation
        // ...

public class SepiaFilter : IImageFilter
    public Func<Bitmap, Bitmap> ApplyFilter => ApplySepiaTone;

    private Bitmap ApplySepiaTone(Bitmap image)
        // Sepia filter implementation
        // ...

The application can dynamically load filter plug-ins and apply them to images:

List<IImageFilter> filters = LoadFilterPlugins();

foreach (IImageFilter filter in filters)
    Bitmap filteredImage = filter.ApplyFilter(originalImage);
    // Process the filtered image
    // ...

2. Undo/Redo Functionality

Delegates can be used to implement undo/redo functionality in applications by storing a history of actions as delegates.

Example: Undo/Redo Functionality

Let’s create a simple text editor that supports undo and redo operations:

public class TextEditor
    private string text;
    private Stack<Action> undoStack = new Stack<Action>();
    private Stack<Action> redoStack = new Stack<Action>();

    public void AppendText(string newText)
        Action undo = () => text = text.Substring(0, text.Length - newText.Length);
        Action redo = () => text += newText;

        text += newText;

    public void Undo()
        if (undoStack.Count > 0)
            Action undo = undoStack.Pop();
            redoStack.Push(() => AppendText(GetUndoneText(undo)));

    public void Redo()
        if (redoStack.Count > 0)
            Action redo = redoStack.Pop();
            undoStack.Push(() => text = text.Substring(0, text.Length - GetRedoneText(redo).Length));

    private string GetUndoneText(Action undo)
        // Extract the undone text from the undo action
        // ...

    private string GetRedoneText(Action redo)
        // Extract the redone text from the redo action
        // ...

In this example, we use delegates to represent undo and redo actions. Whenever text is appended, we create corresponding undo and redo actions and push them onto the respective stacks. When the user triggers an undo or redo operation, we pop the corresponding action from the stack and execute it.

Delegates and Events: Building Robust and Decoupled Systems

We explored the fundamentals and advanced concepts of delegates in C#. Now, let’s dive into the world of events and see how delegates and events work together to create robust and decoupled systems. Events allow objects to notify subscribers when something of interest happens, without the need for tight coupling between the sender and the receiver. Get ready to unlock the power of event-driven programming with C#!

Understanding Events

An event is a mechanism that allows an object (the publisher) to notify other objects (the subscribers) when something of interest happens. Events are built on top of delegates and provide a way to create loosely coupled systems where objects can communicate without having direct references to each other.

Example: Defining an Event

Let’s define a simple event that represents a button click:

public class Button
    public event EventHandler Clicked;

    public void OnClick()
        Clicked?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

In this example, the Button class defines a Clicked event of type EventHandler. The OnClick method raises the event by invoking the delegate using the null-conditional operator ?. to ensure that the event is not null before invoking it.

Example: Subscribing to an Event

To subscribe to an event, you need to attach an event handler to the event:

Button button = new Button();
button.Clicked += HandleButtonClicked;

// ...

private void HandleButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Console.WriteLine("Button clicked!");

In this example, the HandleButtonClicked method is attached to the Clicked event of the Button instance. Whenever the button is clicked and the event is raised, the HandleButtonClicked method will be invoked.

Real-World Use Cases

1. Decoupled Communication

Events allow objects to communicate without having direct dependencies on each other. This promotes loose coupling and makes the system more flexible and maintainable.

Example: Decoupled Communication

Consider a scenario where you have a DataProcessor class that processes data and a DataLogger class that logs the processed data. Instead of the DataProcessor directly referencing the DataLogger, you can use an event to decouple the communication:

public class DataProcessor
    public event EventHandler<DataProcessedEventArgs> DataProcessed;

    public void ProcessData(string data)
        // Process the data
        // ...

        OnDataProcessed(new DataProcessedEventArgs(processedData));

    protected virtual void OnDataProcessed(DataProcessedEventArgs e)
        DataProcessed?.Invoke(this, e);

public class DataProcessedEventArgs : EventArgs
    public string ProcessedData { get; }

    public DataProcessedEventArgs(string processedData)
        ProcessedData = processedData;

public class DataLogger
    public void LogData(object sender, DataProcessedEventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine($"Logging processed data: {e.ProcessedData}");

In this example, the DataProcessor class defines a DataProcessed event that is raised whenever data is processed. The DataLogger class subscribes to the event and logs the processed data. The communication between the two classes is decoupled, and the DataProcessor doesn't need to know about the existence of the DataLogger.

2. Asynchronous Event Processing

Events can be used to implement asynchronous processing, where the publisher can continue executing without waiting for the subscribers to complete their processing.

Example: Asynchronous Event Processing

Let’s say we have a FileWatcher class that monitors a directory for new files and raises an event when a new file is detected:

public class FileWatcher
    public event EventHandler<FileDetectedEventArgs> FileDetected;

    public void StartWatching(string directoryPath)
        // Start monitoring the directory for new files
        // ...

        // When a new file is detected
        string detectedFilePath = "path/to/newfile.txt";
        OnFileDetected(new FileDetectedEventArgs(detectedFilePath));

    protected virtual void OnFileDetected(FileDetectedEventArgs e)
        FileDetected?.Invoke(this, e);

public class FileDetectedEventArgs : EventArgs
    public string FilePath { get; }

    public FileDetectedEventArgs(string filePath)
        FilePath = filePath;

public class FileProcessor
    public void ProcessFile(object sender, FileDetectedEventArgs e)
        // Process the detected file asynchronously
        Task.Run(() =>
            // Read and process the file
            // ...

In this example, the FileWatcher class raises the FileDetected event when a new file is detected in the monitored directory. The FileProcessor class subscribes to the event and processes the detected file asynchronously using Task.Run. This allows the FileWatcher to continue monitoring for new files without waiting for the FileProcessor to complete its processing.

Delegates and SOLID Principles: Best Practices

When working with delegates in C#, it’s crucial to adhere to the SOLID principles to ensure clean, maintainable, and scalable code. Let’s explore how delegates can be used in conjunction with SOLID principles to create robust and flexible software designs.

Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

The Single Responsibility Principle states that a class should have only one reason to change. Delegates can help in achieving SRP by allowing you to separate concerns and encapsulate specific responsibilities.

public class Logger
    public delegate void LogHandler(string message);
    public event LogHandler LogMessage;

    public void Log(string message)

public class FileLogger
    public void HandleLog(string message)
        File.AppendAllText("log.txt", $"{message}\n");

public class ConsoleLogger
    public void HandleLog(string message)

// Usage
Logger logger = new Logger();
logger.LogMessage += new FileLogger().HandleLog;
logger.LogMessage += new ConsoleLogger().HandleLog;

logger.Log("This is a log message.");

In this example, the Logger class has a single responsibility of logging messages. It defines a delegate LogHandler and an event LogMessage. The FileLogger and ConsoleLogger classes have the responsibility of handling the actual logging to different targets. By using delegates, we can separate the logging responsibility from the specific logging implementations, adhering to SRP.

Open-Closed Principle (OCP)

The Open-Closed Principle states that software entities should be open for extension but closed for modification. Delegates enable you to extend behavior without modifying existing code.

public interface IOperation
    int Execute(int a, int b);

public class Calculator
    public int Perform(int a, int b, Func<int, int, int> operation)
        return operation(a, b);

public class AddOperation : IOperation
    public int Execute(int a, int b)
        return a + b;

public class MultiplyOperation : IOperation
    public int Execute(int a, int b)
        return a * b;

// Usage
Calculator calculator = new Calculator();

IOperation addOperation = new AddOperation();
int sum = calculator.Perform(5, 3, addOperation.Execute);

IOperation multiplyOperation = new MultiplyOperation();
int product = calculator.Perform(4, 7, multiplyOperation.Execute);

In this example, the Calculator class is open for extension through the use of delegates. The Perform method takes a delegate Func<int, int, int>, allowing different operations to be passed in without modifying the Calculator class itself. The AddOperation and MultiplyOperation classes implement the IOperation interface, providing specific implementations of the Execute method. By using delegates, we can easily extend the behavior of the calculator without modifying its core code.

Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)

The Liskov Substitution Principle states that objects of a superclass should be replaceable with objects of its subclasses without affecting the correctness of the program. Delegates can help in achieving LSP by allowing for flexible substitution of behavior.

public abstract class Shape
    public abstract void Draw();

public class Circle : Shape
    public override void Draw()
        Console.WriteLine("Drawing a circle.");

public class Rectangle : Shape
    public override void Draw()
        Console.WriteLine("Drawing a rectangle.");

public class ShapeDrawer
    private Action<Shape> _drawAction;

    public ShapeDrawer(Action<Shape> drawAction)
        _drawAction = drawAction;

    public void Draw(Shape shape)

// Usage
ShapeDrawer shapeDrawer = new ShapeDrawer(shape => shape.Draw());

Shape circle = new Circle();
Shape rectangle = new Rectangle();


In this example, the Shape class is an abstract base class with the Draw method. The Circle and Rectangle classes inherit from Shape and provide their own implementations of the Draw method. The ShapeDrawer class takes an Action<Shape> delegate in its constructor, allowing for flexible substitution of the drawing behavior. By using delegates, we can easily substitute different shapes while maintaining the correctness of the program, adhering to LSP.

Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)

The Interface Segregation Principle states that clients should not be forced to depend on interfaces they do not use. Delegates can help in achieving ISP by providing focused and specific interfaces.

public interface ILogger
    void Log(string message);

public interface IEmailSender
    void SendEmail(string recipient, string subject, string body);

public class EmailService : IEmailSender
    public void SendEmail(string recipient, string subject, string body)
        // Send email implementation

public class FileLogger : ILogger
    public void Log(string message)
        File.AppendAllText("log.txt", $"{message}\n");

public class Notifier
    private readonly Action<string> _logAction;
    private readonly Action<string, string, string> _emailAction;

    public Notifier(Action<string> logAction, Action<string, string, string> emailAction)
        _logAction = logAction;
        _emailAction = emailAction;

    public void Notify(string message)
        _emailAction("admin@example.com", "Notification", message);

// Usage
ILogger logger = new FileLogger();
IEmailSender emailSender = new EmailService();

Notifier notifier = new Notifier(
    message => logger.Log(message),
    (recipient, subject, body) => emailSender.SendEmail(recipient, subject, body)

notifier.Notify("This is a notification message.");

In this example, we have separate interfaces ILogger and IEmailSender for logging and email sending functionality. The FileLogger class implements the ILogger interface, and the EmailService class implements the IEmailSender interface. The Notifier class takes two delegates in its constructor, one for logging and one for email sending. By using delegates, we can provide focused and specific interfaces to the Notifier class, adhering to ISP. Clients of the Notifier class are not forced to depend on unused interfaces.

Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

The Dependency Inversion Principle states that high-level modules should depend on abstractions, not on concrete implementations. Delegates can help in achieving DIP by allowing for loose coupling and dependency inversion.

public interface IDataProcessor
    void ProcessData(string data);

public class ConsoleDataProcessor : IDataProcessor
    public void ProcessData(string data)
        Console.WriteLine($"Processing data: {data}");

public class DataHandler
    private readonly Action<string> _processDataAction;

    public DataHandler(Action<string> processDataAction)
        _processDataAction = processDataAction;

    public void HandleData(string data)

// Usage
IDataProcessor dataProcessor = new ConsoleDataProcessor();
DataHandler dataHandler = new DataHandler(dataProcessor.ProcessData);

dataHandler.HandleData("Some important data");

In this example, the IDataProcessor interface defines the ProcessData method. The ConsoleDataProcessor class implements the IDataProcessor interface. The DataHandler class takes an Action<string> delegate in its constructor, representing the data processing action. By using delegates, we can invert the dependency and make the DataHandler class depend on an abstraction (the delegate) rather than a concrete implementation. This allows for loose coupling and easier substitution of different data processors.


Delegates in C# offer a wide range of advanced concepts and techniques that empower you to write more expressive, concise, and event-driven code. Delegate inference, anonymous methods, lambda expressions, and the Func and Action delegate types provide additional flexibility and convenience when working with delegates.

By leveraging these advanced features, you can create more readable and maintainable code, especially when combined with LINQ, asynchronous programming, and event-driven architectures.

Remember, mastering delegates is a crucial skill for any C# developer, and the concepts covered in this article will help you take your delegate game to the next level. 🏆

Happy coding, and may your delegates be as powerful as your imagination! 🌟✨

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Soft skills: 18 самых важных навыков, которыми должен владеть каждый работник
Зачем нужен MediatR?
Текстовый редактор для Git в среде Windows
Использование SQLite в .NET приложениях
Мультитаскинг, или Как работать над несколькими проектами и не сойти с ума
Какого черта мы нанимаем, или осмысленность собеседований в IT
Проблема понимания существующего кода, или Как делать иногда [не] надо
Как мы столкнулись с версионированием и осознали, что вариант «просто проставить цифры» не работает
Почему сеньоры ненавидят собеседования с кодингом, и что компании должны использовать вместо них
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