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Книги для разработчиков

Pro SQL Server 2008 Policy-Based Management

Pro SQL Server 2008 Policy-Based Management

Pro SQL Server 2008 Policy-Based Management favorites 0
Professional NoSQL
Автор: Shashank Tiwari
Год: 2011
THE GROWTH OF USER-DRIVEN CONTENT has fueled a rapid increase in the volume and type of data that is generated, manipulated, analyzed, and archived. In addition, varied newer sets of sources, including sensors, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), automated trackers and...
PostgreSQL Cookbook
Автор: Chitij Chauhan
Год: 2015
PostgreSQL is an open source database management system. It is used for a wide variety of development practices such as software and web design, as well as for handling large datasets (big data).With the goal of teaching you the skills...
Путь программиста. Самоучитель по языку Transact-SQL
Автор: Виталий Трунин
Год: 2020
Данная книга предназначена для тех людей, которые не знают языка T-SQL и даже об SQL мало что слышали, но хотят или им нужно освоить данный язык, иными словами, книга для начинающих. Идея написания данной книги у меня возникла, когда я...
The Definitive Guide to SQLite, Second Edition
Автор: Grant Allen, Mike Owens
Год: 2010
The Definitive Guide to SQLite, Second Edition is your one-stop resource for integrating one of the most advanced and innovative open source database management systems into your development projects. SQLite is freely-available and comes with an amazingly small foot print...
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