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Книги для разработчиков

Data Science for IoT Engineers

Data Science for IoT Engineers

A Systems Analytics Approach


This book introduces the concepts of data science to professionals in engineering, physics, mathematics, and allied fields. It is a workbook with MATLAB code that creates a common framework and points out various interconnections related to industry. This will allow the reader to connect previous subject knowledge to data science, machine learning, or analytics and apply it to IoT applications. Part One brings together subjects in machine learning, systems theory, linear algebra, digital signal processing, and probability theory. Part Two (Systems Analytics) develops a “universal” nonlinear, time-varying dynamical machine learning solution that can faithfully model all the essential complexities of real-life business problems and shows how to apply it.


  • Develops a “universal,” nonlinear, dynamical machine learning solution to model and apply the complexities of modern applications in IoT.
  • Covers topics such as machine learning, systems theory, linear algebra, digital signal processing, probability theory, state-space formulation, Bayesian estimation, Kalman filter, causality, and digital twins.
Building Apps for the Universal Windows Platform
Автор: Ayan Chatterjee
Год: 2017
Develop Windows 10 applications faster and more efficiently using the Universal Windows Platform. You will use Xamarin to create apps for macOS, iOS, and Android devices."Building Apps for the Universal Windows Platform" is a complete guide covering PCs, tablets, phones,...
Building IoT Visualizations using Grafana
Автор: Rodrigo Juan Hernandez
Год: 2022
Key Features Connect devices, store and manage data, and build powerful data visualizations. Integrate Grafana with other systems, such as Prometheus, OpenSearch, and LibreNMS. Learn about message brokers and data forwarders...
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LinkedIn: Sergey Drozdov
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