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Книги для разработчиков

.NET Microservices: Architecture for Containerized .NET Applications

.NET Microservices: Architecture for Containerized .NET Applications



This guide is an introduction to developing microservices-based applications and managing them using containers. It discusses architectural design and implementation approaches using .NET Core and Docker containers.

Microservices for the Enterprise
Автор: Kasun Indrasiri, Prabath Siriwardena
Год: 2018
Understand the key challenges and solutions around building microservices in the enterprise application environment. This book provides a comprehensive understanding of microservices architectural principles and how to use microservices in real-world scenarios.Architectural challenges using microservices with service integration and API...
Docker Compose для разработчика
Автор: Гадзурас Эммануил
Год: 2023
Разработка программного обеспечения становится все сложнее из-за использования различных инструментов. Приложения приходится упаковывать вместе с программными компонентами, чтобы упростить их работу, но это усложняет их запуск.С помощью Docker Compose можно всего одной командой настроить приложение и необходимые зависимости.Вы познакомитесь с...
C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0 Modern Cross-Platform Development
Автор: Mark J. Price
Год: 2016
With the release of .NET Core 1.0, you can now create applications for Mac OS X and Linux, as well as Windows, using the development tools you know and love. C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0 has been divided into...
Pro ASP.NET Core MVC 2, Seventh Edition
Автор: Adam Freeman
Год: 2017
Now in its 7th edition, the best selling book on MVC is updated for ASP.NET Core MVC 2. It contains detailed explanations of the Core MVC functionality which enables developers to produce leaner, cloud optimized and mobile-ready applications for the...
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