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Книги для разработчиков

ASP.NET Core 3 and React

ASP.NET Core 3 and React



Build modern, scalable, and cloud-ready single-page applications using ASP.NET Core, React, TypeScript, and Azure.

Key Features:
1. Explore the full potential and latest features of .NET Core 3.0, TypeScript 3, and React
2. Learn to manage data, application design, packaging, and security aspects of your web applications
3. Best practices to help you build a scalable frontend with React and TypeScript function-based components that interacts with a REST API

Book Description:
ASP.NET Core and React are two of the most in-demand web technologies. Microsoft's ASP.NET Core targeting the .NET Core runtime is a robust, high-performing cross-platform web API framework, and Facebook's React allows developers to leverage declarative jаvascript to drive richly interactive user experiences at client-side web.

This book will guide us through building a scalable, React single-page application with an ASP.NET Core REST API backed by a SQL database accessed via the Dapper framework. As we build the frontend, we'll learn about new React features and the popular patterns, technologies, and tools from the React ecosystem such as function-based components, JSX, React Router, Redux. We'll leverage TypeScript on top of React to make our frontend robust and maintainable. While building the REST API, we'll learn how to implement API controllers and understand attribute routing and model binding. We'll also learn how to secure the API with ASP.NET Core identity and authorization policies. We'll learn how to write robust unit tests in both the REST API and the React and complete our journey by deploying our app to the Azure cloud.
By the end of the book, you will have all the knowledge required to take your existing skills with C# and jаvascript and build full-stack, production-ready applications with ASP.NET Core and React.

What you will learn

  • Build RESTful APIs with .NET Core leveraging API controllers with attribute routing and model binding
  • Create strongly typed interactive function based React components using Hooks
  • Build forms efficiently using reusable React components
  • Perform client-side state management with Redux and Reacts Context API
  • Secure REST APIs with ASP.NET identity and authorization policies
  • Perform a range of automated tests on both the frontend and backend
  • Implement CI and CD processes into Azure using Azure DevOps
  • Who This Book Is For
  • The book is intended for web developers with knowledge of .NET Core and wants to learn to build solid full-stack web applications with .NET Core and React. The book does not assume the knowledge of React.
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