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Книги для разработчиков

PostgreSQL Server Programming, Second Edition

PostgreSQL Server Programming, Second Edition

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This book will show you that PostgreSQL is so much more than a database server. In fact, it could even be seen as an application development framework, with the added bonuses of transaction support, massive data storage, journaling, recovery, and a host of other features that the PostgreSQL engine provides.

You will get to grips with creating libraries of useful code, grouping them into even more useful components, and distributing them to the community. Then, you will take a look at user-defined functions, and how to define and utilize them efficiently. You will also learn how to extract data from a multitude of foreign data sources and extend PostgreSQL to do it natively. What's more, you can do all of this in a nifty debugging interface that will allow you to do it efficiently and reliably. This book explores all possible ways to extend PostgreSQL and write server-side code using various programming languages with concrete and easy-to-understand examples.

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