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Next Generation Databases: NoSQL, NewSQL, and Big Data

Next Generation Databases: NoSQL, NewSQL, and Big Data

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This is a book for enterprise architects, database administrators, and developers who need to understand the latest developments in database technologies. It is the book to help you choose the correct database technology at a time when concepts such as Big Data, NoSQL and NewSQL are making what used to be an easy choice into a complex decision with significant implications. The relational database (RDBMS) model completely dominated database technology for over 20 years. Today this «one size fits all» stability has been disrupted by a relatively recent explosion of new database technologies. These paradigm-busting technologies are powering the «Big Data» and «NoSQL» revolutions, as well as forcing fundamental changes in databases across the board. Deciding to use a relational database was once truly a no-brainer, and the various commercial relational databases competed on price, performance, reliability, and ease of use rather than on fundamental architectures. Today we are faced with choices between radically different database technologies. Choosing the right database today is a complex undertaking, with serious economic and technological consequences. Next Generation Databases demystifies today’s new database technologies. The book describes what each technology was designed to solve. It shows how each technology can be used to solve real word application and business problems. Most importantly, this book highlights the architectural differences between technologies that are the critical factors to consider when choosing a database platform for new and upcoming projects.

- Introduces the new technologies that have revolutionized the database landscape.
- Describes how each technology can be used to solve specific application or business challenges.
- Reviews the most popular new wave databases and how they use these new database technologies.

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