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May 13, 2024

Creating functions that return multiple values in C#

Creating functions that return multiple values in C#
Creating functions that return multiple values in C# favorites 0

Creating functions that return multiple values in C# is an essential skill, especially when working with .NET Core applications. This article delves into various advanced strategies to return multiple values from functions, providing a deeper understanding of each approach with practical, real-world examples.

1. Using Tuples

Problem Statement: You need to return multiple related values from a method without creating a specific class or struct.

Solution: Utilize tuples. Tuples are a great way to return multiple values in a lightweight manner without the overhead of defining a class or struct.


public (int Sum, int Product) Calculate(int a, int b)
    return (a + b, a * b);

// Usage
var result = Calculate(2, 3);
Console.WriteLine($"Sum: {result.Sum}, Product: {result. Product}");

2. Out parameters

Problem Statement: You want to return additional data from a method while maintaining a primary return type.

Solution: Use out parameters. They allow methods to return multiple values, where one is returned from the method signature and the others through out parameters.


public bool TryParseDate(string dateString, out DateTime date)
    return DateTime.TryParse(dateString, out date);

// Usage
if (TryParseDate("2024-02-19", out DateTime resultDate))
    Console.WriteLine($"Parsed Date: {resultDate.ToShortDateString()}");
    Console.WriteLine("Invalid Date");

3. Using ValueTuple for more flexibility

Problem Statement: You require more flexible tuple operations, such as deconstruction or the need to return a tuple without defining the names upfront.

Solution: Use ValueTuple to create tuples that support deconstruction and don't require pre-defined element names.


public (int, int) GetDimensions()
    return (1024, 768); // Returns a ValueTuple<int, int>

// Deconstruction
var (width, height) = GetDimensions();
Console.WriteLine($"Width: {width}, Height: {height}");

4. Returning a custom Class or Struct

Problem Statement: You need to return a complex set of related data that represents a specific entity or operation result.

Solution: Define a custom class or struct. This is more verbose but improves code readability and maintainability, especially for complex data.


public class OperationResult
    public int Sum { get; set; }
    public int Product { get; set; }

public OperationResult PerformCalculation(int a, int b)
    return new OperationResult { Sum = a + b, Product = a * b };

// Usage
var result = PerformCalculation(5, 4);
Console.WriteLine($"Sum: {result.Sum}, Product: {result. Product}");

5. Using ref return and ref locals

Problem Statement: You need to return a reference to a variable stored outside the method to avoid copying large structures or to directly modify the original data.

Solution: Utilize ref returns and ref locals. This advanced feature allows methods to return a reference to a variable rather than a copy, enabling direct modifications.


public ref string FindName(string[] names, string target)
    for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
        if (names[i] == target)
            return ref names[i]; // Return a reference to the array element

    throw new Exception("Name not found");

// Usage
string[] names = { "Alice", "Bob", "Charlie" };
ref string foundName = ref FindName(names, "Bob");
foundName = "Bobby"; // Directly modifies the array
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", names)); // Outputs: Alice, Bobby, Charlie

6. Leveraging Pattern Matching with switch expressions

Problem Statement: You need a method to process inputs differently based on their types or values and return multiple, varied results.

Solution: Use pattern matching with switch expressions. This C# feature enables concise, readable syntax for branching logic based on the type or properties of an input, allowing for complex decision-making and multiple return values.


public (string Message, int Code) ProcessInput(object input)
    return input switch
        int i when i < 0 => ("Negative number", -1),
        int i => ($"Processed integer: {i}", 1),
        string s => ($"Processed string of length {s.Length}", 2),
        _ => ("Unknown input", 0),

// Usage
var (message, code) = ProcessInput("Hello");
Console.WriteLine($"Message: {message}, Code: {code}");

7. Async methods with multiple return values

Problem Statement: You need to asynchronously process data and return multiple values from tasks without blocking the main thread.

Solution: Combine async/await with tuples or ValueTuple to return multiple values from asynchronous methods.


public async Task<(bool Success, string Response)> FetchDataAsync(string url)
    using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
        var response = await httpClient.GetAsync(url);
        if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
            var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
            return (true, content);
            return (false, null);

// Usage
var (success, response) = await FetchDataAsync("https://example.com");
Console.WriteLine($"Success: {success}, Response length: {response?. Length ?? 0}");

8. Using Records for immutable multiple returns

Problem Statement: You want to return multiple values in an immutable fashion, ensuring thread safety and predictability.

Solution: Utilize records, a feature in C# that provides immutable data structures, perfect for returning complex data sets in a thread-safe manner.


public record UserInfo(string Username, int Age);

public UserInfo GetUserInfo()
    // Assume fetching user info from a database
    return new UserInfo("JohnDoe", 30);

// Usage
var userInfo = GetUserInfo();
Console.WriteLine($"Username: {userInfo.Username}, Age: {userInfo.Age}");

9. Dynamic objects for flexible return types

Problem Statement: You need to return a method result where the structure is not known at compile time or is very dynamic.

Solution: Use dynamic types. This allows for returning an object whose structure can be defined at runtime, providing maximum flexibility.


public dynamic CreateDynamicObject(bool detailed)
    if (detailed)
        return new { Name = "John", Age = 30, Email = "john@example.com" };
        return new { Name = "John" };

// Usage
var detailedUser = CreateDynamicObject(true);
Console.WriteLine($"Name: {detailedUser.Name}, Email: {detailedUser.Email}");

var simpleUser = CreateDynamicObject(false);
Console.WriteLine($"Name: {simpleUser.Name}");

10. Utilizing generics for type-safe multiple returns

Problem Statement: You need a flexible way to return multiple values of different types from a method while maintaining type safety.

Solution: Use generics. Generics allow you to define methods with type parameters, enabling you to return multiple values of specified types in a type-safe manner.


public class Result<T1, T2>
    public T1 Value1 { get; }
    public T2 Value2 { get; }

    public Result(T1 value1, T2 value2)
        Value1 = value1;
        Value2 = value2;

public Result<int, string> ProcessData(string input)
    // Simulate processing
    int length = input.Length;
    string reversed = new string(input.Reverse().ToArray());
    return new Result<int, string>(length, reversed);

// Usage
var result = ProcessData("hello");
Console.WriteLine($"Length: {result.Value1}, Reversed: {result.Value2}");

11. Using extension methods for enhanced tuple functionality

Problem Statement: You want to extend the functionality of tuples to include additional operations or custom logic.

Solution: Define extension methods for tuples. This enables you to add new methods to tuple types, enhancing their usability and integrating custom processing logic directly.


public static class TupleExtensions
    public static void Deconstruct(this (int, int) tuple, out int max, out int min)
        max = Math.Max(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2);
        min = Math.Min(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2);

// Usage
var myTuple = (5, 10);
var (max, min) = myTuple; // Using the extended Deconstruct method
Console.WriteLine($"Max: {max}, Min: {min}");

12. Exploiting Pattern Matching for complex tuple deconstruction

Problem Statement: You need to efficiently process and deconstruct tuples based on complex conditions or patterns.

Solution: Combine pattern matching with tuples for sophisticated deconstruction and processing. Pattern matching allows for concise and readable conditions when working with tuples.


public string AnalyzeData((int, string) data)
    return data switch
        (var number, var text) when number > 10 && text.Length > 5 => "Large number and long text",
        (var number, _) when number <= 10 => "Small number",
        (_, var text) when text.Length <= 5 => "Short text",
        _ => "Other"

// Usage
var result = AnalyzeData((15, "Hello World"));
Console.WriteLine(result); // Outputs: Large number and long text

13. Ref returns with generics for performance optimization

Problem Statement: You need to return a reference to an element within a collection, avoiding unnecessary copying, especially for large structures, while maintaining type safety.

Solution: Use ref returns with generics. This approach allows you to return a reference to an element within a generic collection, enhancing performance by avoiding copying.


public ref T Find<T>(T[] array, Predicate<T> match)
    for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
        if (match(array[i]))
            return ref array[i]; // Return a reference to the element
    throw new InvalidOperationException("Not found");

// Usage
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
ref int numberRef = ref Find(numbers, x => x == 3);
numberRef = 10; // Directly modifies the array
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", numbers)); // Outputs: 1, 2, 10, 4, 5

14. Local functions

Local functions are a C# 7.0 feature that allows you to define functions inside other functions or methods. This can be useful when you need to return multiple values from a local function, as you can leverage tuples or deconstruction within the containing method.

public int ProcessData(string input)
    (bool success, int result) TryParse(string value)
        if (int.TryParse(value, out int parsed))
            return (true, parsed);
            return (false, 0);

    var (success, result) = TryParse(input);
    if (success)
        // Process the result
        return result * 2;
        // Handle parsing failure
        throw new ArgumentException("Invalid input");

In the above example, the TryParse local function is defined within the ProcessData method. It returns a tuple containing a boolean indicating whether the parsing was successful and the parsed integer value. The ProcessData method then deconstructs the tuple returned by TryParse to handle the result appropriately.

15. Discards

The discard pattern allows you to ignore specific values when deconstructing tuples or other types. This can be useful when you only need a subset of the returned values or when you want to explicitly ignore certain values for clarity.

(int sum, int product, _) CalculateOperations(int a, int b)
    int difference = a - b;
    return (a + b, a * b, difference);

// Usage
var (sum, product, _) = CalculateOperations(3, 4);
Console.WriteLine($"Sum: {sum}, Product: {product}");

In the above example, the CalculateOperations method returns a tuple containing the sum, product, and difference of two integers. When deconstructing the tuple, the _ discard pattern is used to ignore the third value (the difference), as it is not needed in this scenario.

16. Iterators and yield

Iterators and the yield keyword provide a powerful mechanism for generating and returning sequences of values from a function or method. This can be particularly useful when you need to return multiple values in a lazy or deferred manner, reducing memory overhead and enabling efficient processing of large datasets.

public static IEnumerable<(int Value, bool IsEven)> GetEvenOddValues(int start, int count)
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        int value = start + i;
        yield return (value, value % 2 == 0);

// Usage
foreach (var (value, isEven) in GetEvenOddValues(1, 10))
    Console.WriteLine($"{value} is {(isEven ? "even" : "odd")}");

In the above example, the GetEvenOddValues method is an iterator function that generates a sequence of tuples containing the value and a boolean indicating whether the value is even or odd. The yield return statement is used to return each tuple value lazily, allowing the caller to iterate over the sequence without loading all values into memory at once.

17. Yield and asynchronous enumerables

With the introduction of asynchronous streams in C# 8.0, you can combine the power of iterators and yield with asynchronous programming, enabling lazy and efficient processing of asynchronous data sources.

public async IAsyncEnumerable<(string Content, int StatusCode)> GetWebContentsAsync(IEnumerable<string> urls)
    var client = new HttpClient();
    foreach (var url in urls)
        var response = await client.GetAsync(url);
        var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
        yield return (content, (int)response.StatusCode);

// Usage
var urls = new[] { "https://example.com", "https://google.com", "https://microsoft.com" };
await foreach (var (content, statusCode) in GetWebContentsAsync(urls))
    Console.WriteLine($"Content: {content}, Status Code: {statusCode}");

In the above example, the GetWebContentsAsync method is an asynchronous iterator function that generates an asynchronous sequence of tuples containing the web content and HTTP status code for a collection of URLs. The await foreach statement is used to iterate over the asynchronous sequence, allowing the caller to process each tuple as it becomes available, without blocking or loading all values into memory at once.

18. Partial methods

Partial methods are a language feature introduced in C# 3.0 that allows you to define and implement a method across multiple source files. This can be particularly useful when working with code generators or designer tools, as it allows you to split the method implementation between the generated and manually written code. Partial methods can be used to return multiple values by leveraging tuples or other techniques discussed in this article.

// File1.cs (Generated Code)
public partial class Person
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public int Age { get; set; }

    // Partial method declaration
    partial (string FirstName, string LastName, int Age) GetPersonDetails();

// File2.cs (Manual Code)
public partial class Person
    // Partial method implementation
    partial (string, string, int) GetPersonDetails()
        return (FirstName, LastName, Age);

// Usage
var person = new Person
    FirstName = "John",
    LastName = "Doe",
    Age = 30

var (firstName, lastName, age) = person.GetPersonDetails();
Console.WriteLine($"Name: {firstName} {lastName}, Age: {age}");

In the above example, the Person class is split across two files: File1.cs (generated code) and File2.cs (manual code). The GetPersonDetails method is declared as a partial method in File1.cs, and its implementation is provided in File2.cs. The method returns a tuple containing the first name, last name, and age of the Person instance.

19. Partial methods with asynchronous and generic types

Partial methods can also be used with asynchronous and generic types, providing flexibility and extensibility when working with code generators or designer tools that involve asynchronous or generic code.

// File1.cs (Generated Code)
public partial class DataRepository<T>
    // Partial method declaration
    partial Task<(bool Success, IEnumerable<T> Data, string ErrorMessage)> GetDataAsync();

// File2.cs (Manual Code)
public partial class DataRepository<T>
    // Partial method implementation
    partial async Task<(bool, IEnumerable<T>, string)> GetDataAsync()
            // Fetch data from a data source
            var data = await FetchDataFromSource();
            return (true, data, string.Empty);
        catch (Exception ex)
            return (false, Enumerable.Empty<T>(), ex.Message);

    private Task<IEnumerable<T>> FetchDataFromSource()
        // Implementation details
        throw new NotImplementedException();

In the above example, the DataRepository<T> class includes a partial method GetDataAsync that returns a tuple containing a boolean indicating success, an enumerable of data elements of type T, and an error message string. The method declaration is provided in the generated code file (File1.cs), while the implementation is defined in the manual code file (File2.cs). This approach can be useful when working with code generators that generate asynchronous or generic code, and you need to extend or customize the generated code with additional functionality, such as returning multiple values.

20. Lazy and deferred execution

Lazy and deferred execution techniques allow you to delay the evaluation of expressions or the execution of code until the moment it is actually needed. This can be particularly useful when dealing with expensive or resource-intensive operations, as it helps optimize performance and reduce unnecessary computations.

C# provides the Lazy<T> class and the Func<T> delegate to support lazy and deferred execution. These can be used in conjunction with tuples or other techniques to return multiple values from a function in a lazy or deferred manner.

public static (Lazy<int> Sum, Lazy<int> Product) GetLazyOperations(Func<int> a, Func<int> b)
    Lazy<int> sum = new Lazy<int>(() => a() + b());
    Lazy<int> product = new Lazy<int>(() => a() * b());
    return (sum, product);

// Usage
var (lazySum, lazyProduct) = GetLazyOperations(() => 3, () => 4);
Console.WriteLine("Lazy values created.");

// Accessing the lazy values
Console.WriteLine($"Sum: {lazySum.Value}");
Console.WriteLine($"Product: {lazyProduct.Value}");

In the above example, the GetLazyOperations function takes two Func<int> delegates representing expensive or deferred computations. Instead of immediately evaluating the sum and product, the function creates Lazy<int> instances that encapsulate the deferred computations.

The function returns a tuple containing the lazy sum and lazy product values. The calling code can access the actual values using the Value property of the Lazy<T> instances, which triggers the deferred computations only when the values are actually needed.

21. Combining lazy with asynchronous programming

Lazy and deferred execution can also be combined with asynchronous programming to provide lazy and asynchronous evaluation of multiple values returned from a function.

public static (Lazy<Task<int>> AsyncSum, Lazy<Task<int>> AsyncProduct) GetLazyAsyncOperations(Func<Task<int>> a, Func<Task<int>> b)
    Lazy<Task<int>> asyncSum = new Lazy<Task<int>>(async () => await a() + await b());
    Lazy<Task<int>> asyncProduct = new Lazy<Task<int>>(async () => await a() * await b());
    return (asyncSum, asyncProduct);

// Usage
var (lazyAsyncSum, lazyAsyncProduct) = GetLazyAsyncOperations(
    async () => await Task.FromResult(3),
    async () => await Task.FromResult(4)
Console.WriteLine("Lazy async values created.");

// Accessing the lazy async values
Console.WriteLine($"Async Sum: {await lazyAsyncSum.Value}");
Console.WriteLine($"Async Product: {await lazyAsyncProduct.Value}");

In the above example, the GetLazyAsyncOperations function takes two Func<Task<int>> delegates representing asynchronous computations. The function creates Lazy<Task<int>> instances that encapsulate the deferred and asynchronous computations.

The function returns a tuple containing the lazy asynchronous sum and product values. The calling code can access the actual values by awaiting the Value property of the Lazy<Task<T>> instances, which triggers the deferred and asynchronous computations only when the values are actually needed.

22. Dynamic and ExpandoObject

C# provides the dynamic type and the ExpandoObject class, which allow for dynamic and flexible object creation and manipulation at runtime. These features can be leveraged to return multiple values from a function in a dynamic and extensible manner.

The dynamic type enables late binding and allows you to bypass compile-time type checking, while the ExpandoObject class allows you to dynamically add and remove properties and values to an object at runtime.

public static dynamic GetPersonDetails(string firstName, string lastName, int age)
    dynamic person = new ExpandoObject();
    person.FirstName = firstName;
    person.LastName = lastName;
    person.Age = age;
    person.FullName = $"{firstName} {lastName}";
    return person;

// Usage
dynamic person = GetPersonDetails("John", "Doe", 30);
Console.WriteLine($"Name: {person.FullName}, Age: {person.Age}");

// Adding a new property dynamically
person.Email = "john.doe@example.com";
Console.WriteLine($"Email: {person. Email}");

In the above example, the GetPersonDetails function returns a dynamic object created using ExpandoObject. The function dynamically adds properties to the person object, such as FirstName, LastName, Age, and FullName, and returns the dynamic object.

The calling code can then access the properties of the returned dynamic object using dot notation (person.FullName, person.Age). Additionally, new properties can be added dynamically to the object at runtime, as shown with the Email property.

23. Combining dynamic with asynchronous programming

The dynamic type and ExpandoObject can also be used in combination with asynchronous programming to return multiple values from asynchronous functions in a dynamic and flexible manner.

public static async Task<dynamic> GetWeatherDataAsync(string city)
    using var client = new HttpClient();
    var response = await client.GetAsync($"https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={city}&appid=YOUR_API_KEY");
    var json = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
    dynamic data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ExpandoObject>(json);
    data.City = city;
    return data;

// Usage
dynamic weatherData = await GetWeatherDataAsync("London");
Console.WriteLine($"Weather in {weatherData.City}:");
Console.WriteLine($"Temperature: {weatherData.main.temp}°C");
Console.WriteLine($"Description: {weatherData.weather[0].description}");

In the above example, the GetWeatherDataAsync function makes an asynchronous HTTP request to the OpenWeatherMap API to retrieve weather data for a given city. The JSON response is deserialized into a dynamic object using ExpandoObject and Newtonsoft.Json's JsonConvert.DeserializeObject method.

The function dynamically adds a City property to the data object and returns the dynamic object. The calling code can then access the dynamic properties of the returned object, such as weatherData.main.temp and weatherData.weather[0].description, in a flexible manner.

Final thoughts

The ability to return multiple values from methods in C# is a powerful feature that, when used wisely, can significantly enhance the expressiveness and efficiency of your code. Whether you’re building simple applications or complex systems, the techniques discussed provide a solid foundation for handling multiple return values effectively.


In this advanced exploration of returning multiple values in C#, we’ve covered a wide range of techniques, from using tuples and generics to leveraging pattern matching and ref returns. Each method offers unique advantages for different scenarios, enabling developers to write more flexible, efficient, and readable code. By carefully selecting the appropriate technique for your specific use case, you can optimize your C# applications to effectively manage and return multiple pieces of data. Happy coding!

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