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Books for developers

APIs: A Strategy Guide

APIs: A Strategy Guide

Creating Channels with Application Programming Interfaces

6,12 MB

Programmers used to be the only people excited about APIs, but now a growing number of companies see them as a hot new product channel. This concise guide describes the tremendous business potential of APIs, and demonstrates how you can use them to provide valuable services to clients, partners, or the public via the Internet. You’ll learn all the steps necessary for building a cohesive API business strategy from experts in the trenches.

Facebook and Twitter APIs continue to be extremely successful, and many other companies find that API demand greatly exceeds website traffic. This book offers executives, business development teams, and other key players a complete roadmap for creating a viable API product.

  • Learn about the rise of APIs and why your business might need one.
  • Understand the roles of asset owners, providers, and developers in the API value chain.
  • Build strategies for designing, implementing, and marketing your product.
  • Devise an effective process for security and user management.
  • Address legal issues, such as rights management and terms of use.
  • Manage traffic and user experience with a reliable operating model.
  • Determine the metrics you need to measure your API’s success.
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Год: 2020
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