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Books for developers

JavaScript Enlightenment

JavaScript Enlightenment

From Library User to JavaScript Developer


This book is not about JavaScript design patterns or implementing an object-oriented paradigm with JavaScript code. It was not written to distinguish the good features of the JavaScript language from the bad. It is not meant to be a complete reference guide. It is not targeted at people new to programming or those completely new to JavaScript. Nor is this a cookbook of JavaScript recipes. Those books have been written.

It was my intention to write a book to give the reader an accurate JavaScript worldview through an examination of native JavaScript objects and supporting nuances: complex values, primitive values, scope, inheritance, the head object, etc. I intend this book to be a short and digestible summary of the ECMA-262, Edition 3 specification, focused on the nature of objects in JavaScript.

Learning JavaScript Design Patterns
Автор: Addy Osmani
Год: 2012
You Don't Know JS: Types & Grammar
Автор: Kyle Simpson
Год: 2015
No matter how much experience you have with JavaScript, odds are you don’t fully understand the language. As part of the "You Don’t Know JS" series, this compact guide explores JavaScript types in greater depth than previous treatments by looking...
You Don't Know JS: Scope & Closures
Автор: Kyle Simpson
Год: 2014
No matter how much experience you have with JavaScript, odds are you don’t fully understand the language. This concise yet in-depth guide takes you inside scope and closures, two core concepts you need to know to become a more efficient...
Advanced Data Fetching Patterns in React
Автор: Juntao Qiu
Год: 2024
"Advanced Data Fetching Patterns in React" is your essential guide to mastering the art of efficient data fetching in React. Discover innovative strategies and the latest features to elevate your React applications, transforming them into models of performance and efficiency....
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