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Books for developers

Fullstack React

Fullstack React

The Complete Guide to ReactJS and Friends


Stop wasting your time learning React with incomplete and confusing tutorials.

  • There are so many incorrect, confusing, and out-of-date blog articles
    One tutorial says one thing and another says something completely different.
  • There are too many options
    There are fifty different boilerplates and a dozen different Flux implementations. Which one is best?

What if you could master the entire framework in less time, with solid foundations, without beating your head against the wall? Imagine how quickly you can get all of your work done with the right tools and best practices.

Seriously, let's stop wasting time scouring Google, searching through incorrect, out-of-date, blog posts and get everything you need to be productive in one, well-organized place, complete with both simple and complex examples to get your app up and running.

You'll learn what you need to know to work professionally and build solid, well-tested, optimized apps with ReactJS. This book is your definitive guide.

React and React Native, 3rd Edition
Автор: Adam Boduch, Roy Derks
Год: 2020
Get up to speed with React, React Native, GraphQL and Apollo for building cross-platform native apps with the help of practical examples. Key Features Covers the latest features of React such as Hooks, Suspense, NativeBase, and Apollo...
Modern Full-Stack Development
Автор: Frank Zammetti
Год: 2020
Explore what React, Node, TypeScript, Webpack, and Docker have to offer individually, and how they all fit together in modern app development. React is one of the most popular web development tools available today, and Node.js is extremely popular for...
The Art of Micro Frontends
Автор: Florian Rappl
Год: 2021
Apply your experience of web development with HTML and JavaScript to build micro frontends for large-scale web projects using frameworks such as React and popular web tooling such as Node.js with Express or webpack.Key Features: Cut through...
Full-Stack React Projects, 2nd Edition
Автор: Shama Hoque
Год: 2020
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