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Books for developers

Java Programming, 8th Edition

Java Programming, 8th Edition



Discover the power of Java for developing applications with the engaging, hands-on approach in Farrell's JAVA PROGRAMMING, 8E. With this book, even first-time programmers can quickly develop useful programs while learning the basic principles of structured and object-oriented programming. The text incorporates the latest version of Java with a reader-friendly presentation and meaningful real-world exercises that highlight new Java strengths. Updated Programming Exercises and a wealth of case problems help you build skills critical for ongoing programming success. You can find additional tools to strengthen your Java programming success with the optional CourseMate that includes a wealth of interactive teaching and learning tools and unique Video Quizzes created by the book's author.

Создаем динамические веб-сайты с помощью PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS и HTML5
Автор: Робин Никсон
Год: 2016
Научитесь создавать интерактивные сайты, активно работающие с данными, воплощая в них мощные ком-бинации свободно распространяемых технологий и веб-стандартов. Для этого достаточно обладать базовымизнаниями языка HTML. Это популярное и доступное пособие поможет вам уверенно освоить динамическоевеб-программирование с применением самых современных языков...
Programming JavaScript Applications
Автор: Eric Elliott
Год: 2014
Take advantage of JavaScript’s power to build robust web-scale or enterprise applications that are easy to extend and maintain. By applying the design patterns outlined in this practical book, experienced JavaScript developers will learn how to write flexible and resilient...
React Hooks in Action
Автор: John Larsen
Год: 2021
Build stylish, slick, and speedy-to-load user interfaces in React without writing custom classes. React Hooks are a new category of functions that help you to manage state, lifecycle, and side effects within functional components. WithReact Hooks in Action, you'll be...
Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, 3rd Edition
Автор: Nicholas C. Zakas
Год: 2011
As the key scripting language for the web, JavaScript is supported by every modern web browser and allows developers to create client-side scripts that take advantage of features such as animating the canvas tag and enabling client-side storage and application...
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