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Jul 19

Write integration tests with .NET Aspire

Write integration tests with .NET Aspire

Microsoft has recently introduced .NET Aspire, an opinionated stack for building resilient, observable, and configurable cloud-native applications with .NET 8+. Delivered through a collection of NuGet packages, .NET Aspire addresses specific cloud-native concerns, catering to the intricacies of modern, cloud-centric development.

.NET Aspire

More detailed information can be found here and here.

Given that cloud applications typically use a large number of services such as databases, messaging, and caching, it is sometimes not always easy to write integration tests. This article aims to explore the testing capabilities offered by .NET Aspire, extending beyond its role in advancing cloud application development.

While there may be limited documentation available for .NET Aspire at the moment, you can find an example with tests in the eShop Application.

Prepare sample app

A brief overview of the steps required to set up a .NET Aspire sample application. will be provided in this opening section. Microsoft offers comprehensive documentation that delves into the creation of a sample application, outlining its components and essential considerations. Furthermore, the source code discussed in this article is available on GitHub for reference.

Create the .NET Aspire starter application

To create a new .NET Aspire Starter Application, please use the following command:

dotnet new aspire-starter --output AspireSample

Run the app locally

The sample app is now ready for running:

dotnet run --project AspireSample/AspireSample.AppHost

Add test project

Now it’s time to add a test project and write a test for the WeatherForecast endpoint.

Create the .NET test project

Create the AspireSample.Tests project by running the following command:

dotnet new xunit -o AspireSample/AspireSample.Tests

Add the test project to the solution file by running the following command:

dotnet sln ./AspireSample/AspireSample.sln add ./AspireSample/AspireSample.Tests/AspireSample.Tests.csproj

Add the AspireSample class library as a dependency to the AspireSample.Tests project:

dotnet add ./AspireSample/AspireSample.Tests/AspireSample.Tests.csproj reference ./AspireSample/AspireSample.ApiService/AspireSample.ApiService.csproj

Set the IsAspireHost property of the AspireSample.Tests project file to true:

Set IsAspireHost property to true

Create ApiServiceFixture

First, let’s add an ApiMarker to the ApiService project to enable referencing from a test project.

dotnet new interface -n IApiMarker -o AspireSample/AspireSample.ApiService - project AspireSample/AspireSample.ApiService/AspireSample.ApiService.csproj

To test the API endpoint, it’s necessary to include a test web host, which is provided by Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Testing package.

dotnet add ./AspireSample/AspireSample.Tests/AspireSample.Tests.csproj package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Testing

The Aspire.Hosting package (prerelease) is also essential for interacting with the core API and abstractions within the .NET Aspire application model.

dotnet add ./AspireSample/AspireSample.Tests/AspireSample.Tests.csproj package Aspire.Hosting - prerelease

Now let’s add Factory for bootstrapping an application in memory for tests.

public sealed class ApiServiceFixture : WebApplicationFactory<IApiMarker>, IAsyncLifetime
    private readonly IHost _app;

    public ApiServiceFixture()
        var options = new DistributedApplicationOptions
            AssemblyName = typeof(ApiServiceFixture).Assembly.FullName,
            DisableDashboard = true
        var appBuilder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(options);
         _app = appBuilder.Build();

    public async Task InitializeAsync()
        await _app.StartAsync();

    public new async Task DisposeAsync()
        await base.DisposeAsync();
        await _app.StopAsync();
        if (_app is IAsyncDisposable asyncDisposable)
            await asyncDisposable.DisposeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

You can find further information about WebApplicationFactory here.

Add the first test

Finally, let’s add a test for the WeatherForecast endpoint.

public sealed class GetWeatherForecastEndpointTests(ApiServiceFixture fixture) : IClassFixture<ApiServiceFixture>
    private readonly HttpClient _httpClient = fixture.CreateClient();

    public async Task GetWeatherForecast_ShouldReturnsOk()
        // Arrange
        var requestUri = new Uri("weatherforecast", UriKind.Relative);

        // Act
        var response = await _httpClient.GetAsync(requestUri);

        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);

Run test

To run the test, please use the following command:

dotnet test ./AspireSample/AspireSample.Tests/AspireSample.Tests.csproj

Test result

Add external Weather API service

Now let’s assume that our ApiService takes weather data from a third-party service using HTTP requests.

The Weather API will be used in this article for educational purposes (but any other service can be used).

Let’s add a WeatherClient to interact with a third-party service.

internal sealed class WeatherClient(HttpClient httpClient) : IWeatherClient
    public async Task<WeatherForecast[]> GetWeatherForecastAsync(
        string city,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

        string escapedCityString = Uri.EscapeDataString(city);

        var requestUri = new Uri(

        var response = await httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<TomorrowWeatherForecast>(

        return response is not null
            ? response.Timelines.Daily
                .Select(x => new WeatherForecast(
            : [];

Configure and add our WeatherClient.

builder.Services.AddHttpClient<IWeatherClient, WeatherClient>(client =>
    var baseAddress = builder.Configuration["WeatherClient:BaseAddress"];
    client.BaseAddress = new Uri(baseAddress);
.AddHttpMessageHandler(() =>
    var apiKey = builder.Configuration["WeatherClient:ApiKey"];
    return new ApiKeyHandler(apiKey);

And use it in the WeatherForecast endpoint.

app.MapGet("/weatherforecast", async (
    IWeatherClient weatherClient,
    CancellationToken cancellationToken) =>
    var forecast = await weatherClient.GetWeatherForecastAsync("new york", cancellationToken);
    return forecast;

Let’s check that our application is still working.

dotnet run --project AspireSample/AspireSample.AppHost

Weather forecast

Our test runs successfully; however, it’s worth noting that relying on a third-party service for testing is not the best idea (especially for negative scenarios).

Mock external API

To address this situation, there are several approaches available:

  1. Mocking the HttpMessageHandler.
  2. Mocking the IWeatherClient interface.
  3. Completely replacing the third-party service.

Given our focus on integration tests, the most appropriate approach would be to entirely substitute the third-party service. Alternatively, WireMock.Net can serve as a viable solution. There are various ways to utilize WireMock.Net, but considering the focus of this article on the opportunities provided by .NET Aspire, the option of running WireMock.Net in a Docker container is explored.

Nick Chapsas has produced an informative video Writing robust integration tests in .NET with WireMock.Net, which provides valuable insights into utilizing WireMock.Net. I highly recommend watching it for a better understanding.

Setup WireMock.Net container

Sheyenrath/ image will be used to launch the container.

var weatherApiService = appBuilder.AddContainer("weatherapiservice", "sheyenrath/", "latest")
        containerPort: 80,
        name: "weatherapiservice",
        scheme: "http");

_weatherApiEndpoint = weatherApiService.GetEndpoint("weatherapiservice");

Add WeatherApiServer

Also, the necessary settings must be made to configure the fake server.

public sealed class WeatherApiServer(string baseUrl)
    private readonly IWireMockAdminApi _wireMockAdminApi =
        RestClient.For<IWireMockAdminApi>(new Uri(baseUrl, UriKind.Absolute));

    public Task SetupAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        var mappingBuilder = _wireMockAdminApi.GetMappingBuilder();

        mappingBuilder.Given(builder => builder
            .WithRequest(request => request
                .WithParams(p => p
            .WithResponse(response => response
                    "timelines": {
                        "daily": [
                                "time": "2024-01-30T11:00:00Z",
                                "values": {
                                    "temperatureAvg": 2.01
                                "time": "2024-01-31T11:00:00Z",
                                "values": {
                                    "temperatureAvg": 3.02
                                "time": "2024-02-01T11:00:00Z",
                                "values": {
                                    "temperatureAvg": 4.03

        return mappingBuilder.BuildAndPostAsync(cancellationToken);

        static ParamModel GetLocationParameter() =>
                Name = "location",
                Matchers =
                    new() { Name = "ExactMatcher", Pattern = "new york" }

        static ParamModel GetDaysTimeStepsParameter() =>
                Name = "timesteps",
                Matchers =
                    new() { Name = "ExactMatcher", Pattern = "1d" }

        static ParamModel GetDaysUnitsParameter() =>
                Name = "units",
                Matchers =
                    new() { Name = "ExactMatcher", Pattern = "metric" }

        static ParamModel GetApiKeyParameter() =>
                Name = "apikey",
                Matchers =
                    new() { Name = "ExactMatcher", Pattern = "valid_api_key" }

Update ApiServiceFixture

Let’s configure the client to send requests to the fake server, and also launch the container.

protected override IHost CreateHost(IHostBuilder builder)
    builder.ConfigureHostConfiguration(config =>
        var settings = new Dictionary<string, string?>
            { "WeatherClient:BaseAddress", _weatherApiEndpoint.UriString },
            { "WeatherClient:ApiKey", "valid_api_key" }

    return base.CreateHost(builder);

public async Task InitializeAsync()
    await _app.StartAsync();

    var weatherApiServer = new WeatherApiServer(_weatherApiEndpoint.UriString);
    await weatherApiServer.SetupAsync();

That’s all! All that remains is to run the test and make sure that everything works as expected.


This article explores the testing capabilities of .NET Aspire, Microsoft’s suite tailored for cloud applications. It guides readers through the process of setting up a sample application and integrating a test project to enhance functionality. Furthermore, it delves into simulating external services using WireMock.Net and .NET Aspire.

The source code discussed in this article is available on GitHub.

Thanks for reading!

• • •

Useful links

Introducing .NET Aspire: Simplifying Cloud-Native Development with .NET 8

.NET Aspire overview

Integration tests in ASP.NET Core

eShop — FunctionalTests


Nick Chapsas — Writing robust integration tests in .NET with WireMock.NET

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