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Книги для разработчиков

ASP.NET MVC 4 Recipes

ASP.NET MVC 4 Recipes


SignalR on .NET 6 - The Complete Guide
Автор: Fiodar Sazanavets
Год: 2022
Are you a software engineer who needs to build a fully interactive application with real-time updates? Perhaps you are aiming to write an instant messaging app. Or perhaps you want to receive updates about someone's location in real time. Or...
Coding Clean, Reliable, and Safe REST APIs with ASP.NET Core 8
Автор: Anthony Giretti
Год: 2023
DescriptionLearn ASP.NET Core APIs delivered in its latest version of the Microsoft Framework .NET 8. This book will show you how to develop APIs with ASP.NET Core 8. Author Anthony Giretti will reveal all you need to know about HTTP...
Pro ASP.NET Core Identity
Автор: Adam Freeman
Год: 2021
Get the most from ASP.NET Core Identity. Best-selling author Adam Freeman teaches developers common authentication and user management scenarios and explains how they are implemented in applications. He covers each topic clearly and concisely, and the book is packed with...
ASP.NET Core Recipes, 2nd Edition
Автор: John Ciliberti
Год: 2017
Quickly find solutions to common web development problems. Content is presented in the popular problem-solution format. Look up the problem that you want to solve. Read the solution. Apply the solution directly in your own code. Problem solved!ASP.NET Core Recipes...
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LinkedIn: Sergey Drozdov
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