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Книги для разработчиков

Pro Full-Text Search in SQL Server 2008

Pro Full-Text Search in SQL Server 2008


Practical Entity Framework
Автор: Brian L. Gorman
Год: 2020
Determine your object relational mapper (ORM) of choice for enterprise applications using .NET Framework, and especially .NET Framework Core 3.1 and higher. Real-world examples and considerations are presented in this book to help you create robust and efficient database solutions....
MongoDB in Action
Автор: Kyle Banker
Год: 2011
MongoDB in Action is a comprehensive guide to MongoDB for application developers. The book begins by explaining what makes MongoDB unique and describing its ideal use cases. A series of tutorials designed for MongoDB mastery then leads into detailed examples...
PostgreSQL High Availability Cookbook, Second Edition
Автор: Shaun M. Thomas
Год: 2017
Master over 100 recipes to design and implement a highly available server with the advanced features of PostgreSQL. Databases are nothing without the data they store. In the event of a failure – catastrophic or otherwise – immediate recovery is...
Professional NoSQL
Автор: Shashank Tiwari
Год: 2011
THE GROWTH OF USER-DRIVEN CONTENT has fueled a rapid increase in the volume and type of data that is generated, manipulated, analyzed, and archived. In addition, varied newer sets of sources, including sensors, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), automated trackers and...
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Soft skills: 18 самых важных навыков, которыми должен владеть каждый работник
5 приемов увеличения продуктивности разработчика
Почему вы никогда не должны соглашаться на собеседования с программированием
LinkedIn: Sergey Drozdov
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