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Книги для разработчиков

Python Graphics, Second Edition

Python Graphics, Second Edition

A Reference for Creating 2D and3D Images
Python Graphics, Second Edition favorites 0

This book shows how to use Python’s built-in graphics primitives - points, lines, and arrows – to create complex graphics for the visualization of two- and three-dimensional objects, data sets, and technical illustrations.

This updated edition provides more detailed explanations where required, especially regarding Python code, and explores scientific applications to topics of contemporary importance. You’ll learn how to create any 2D or 3D object or illustration, as well as how to display images, use color, translate, rotate, shade, add shadows that are cast on other objects, remove hidden lines, plot 2D and 3D data, fit lines and curves to data sets, display points of intersection between 2D and 3D objects, and create digital art.

Demonstrations are included which illustrate graphics programming techniques by example, the best way to learn a language.
Also brand new to this edition are demonstrations on how to visualize electron probability clouds around a nucleus, climate change, ecological diversity, population dynamics, and resource management. Python source code, including detailed explanations, is included for all applications, making the book more accessible to novice Python programmers.

After completing this book, you will be able to create compelling graphic images without being limited to functions available in existing Python libraries.

What You Will Learn:

- Create 2D and 3D graphic images;
- Add text and symbols to images;
- Shade 3D objects;
- Display cast shadows;
- Use color for maximum effect;
- View 2D and 3D data sets;
- Fit lines and curves to data sets.

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Автор: Дэвид Бизли
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