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Книги для разработчиков

Practical Entity Framework Core 6, Second Edition

Practical Entity Framework Core 6, Second Edition

Database Access for Enterprise Applications
Practical Entity Framework Core 6, Second Edition favorites 0

Take a developer journey that paves the way to enterprise-level database access from .NET and C# using the object-relational mapper (ORM) of choice. This second edition is revised to cover Entity Framework Core 5 and 6 (EF) and includes new content on table-per-type mapping, LINQ improvements (filtered includes), many-to-many navigation changes, split queries, simple logging using the DBCommandInterceptor, and other improvements available in EF Core 6. Real-world examples and considerations are presented in this book to help you create robust and efficient database solutions. Throughout the text, actual problems, questions, and common pitfalls are provided to help you recognize optimal solutions for maximum success in the different application scenarios you might encounter.

NoSQL DISTILLED. A Brief Guide to the Emerging World of Polyglot Persistence
Автор: Martin Fowler, Pramod J. Sadalage
Год: 2013
Необходимость обрабатывать все более крупные объемы данных является одним из факторов, влияющих на внедрение нового класса нереляционных баз данных NoSQL. Сторонники баз NoSQL утверждают, что их можно использовать для создания более производительных, легче масштабируемых и проще программируемых систем.В этой книге...
C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0 Modern Cross-Platform Development
Автор: Mark J. Price
Год: 2016
With the release of .NET Core 1.0, you can now create applications for Mac OS X and Linux, as well as Windows, using the development tools you know and love. C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0 has been divided into...
Pro .NET Memory Management
Автор: Konrad Kokosa
Год: 2018
Understand .NET memory management internal workings, pitfalls, and techniques in order to effectively avoid a wide range of performance and scalability problems in your software. Despite automatic memory management in .NET, there are many advantages to be found in understanding...
NoSQL: Database for Storage and Retrieval of Data in Cloud
Автор: Ganesh Chandra Deka
Год: 2017
This book discusses the advanced databases for the cloud-based application known as NoSQL. It will explore the recent advancements in NoSQL database technology. Chapters on structured, unstructured and hybrid databases will be included to explore bigdata analytics, bigdata storage and...
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