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Книги для разработчиков

The Art of Micro Frontends

The Art of Micro Frontends



Apply your experience of web development with HTML and JavaScript to build micro frontends for large-scale web projects using frameworks such as React and popular web tooling such as Node.js with Express or webpack.

Key Features:

  • Cut through the complexities of designing a monolithic web architecture using micro frontend architecture.
  • Explore architecture patterns for building large-scale applications.
  • Learn how to build, test, and secure your micro frontends efficiently.

What you will learn:

  • Understand how to choose the right micro frontend architecture.
  • Design screens for compositional UIs.
  • Create a great developer experience for micro frontend solutions.
  • Achieve enhanced user experiences with micro frontends.
  • Introduce governance and boundary checks for managing distributed frontends.
  • Build scalable modular web applications from scratch or by migrating an existing monolith.

Who this book is for:

This book is for software/solution architects or (mostly lead) developers as well as web developers and frontend engineers. Beginner-level knowledge of HTML and CSS along with a solid understanding of JavaScript programming and its ecosystem, including Node.js and NPM, is assumed.

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Автор: Nicholas C. Zakas
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