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Книги для разработчиков

Microservices with Clojure

Microservices with Clojure

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The Microservice architecture is sweeping the world as the de facto pattern from which to build web-based applications and aids in designing scalable, easy-to-maintain web applications. This book will teach you common patterns and practices, showing you how to apply these using the Clojure programming language.

Advanced Microservices
Автор: Thomas Hunter II
Год: 2017
Use the many types of tools required to navigate and maintain a microservice ecosystem. This book examines what is normally a complex system of interconnected services and clarifies them one at a time, first examining theoretical requirements then looking at...
Cloud Native Go
Автор: Kevin Hoffman, Dan Nemeth
Год: 2016
The Complete Guide to Building Cloud-Based Services.Cloud Native Go shows developers how to build massive cloud applications that meet the insatiable demands of today’s customers, and will dynamically scale to handle virtually any volume of data, traffic, or users.Kevin Hoffman...
Microservice APIs
Автор: José Haro Peralta
Год: 2023
Strategies, best practices, and patterns that will help you design resilient microservices architecture and streamline your API integrations.In Microservice APIs, you'll discover: Service decomposition strategies for microservices. Documentation-driven development for APIs. ...
Migrating ASP.NET Microservices to ASP.NET Core 8, Second Edition
Автор: Iris Classon
Год: 2024
In this second edition, you will be guided through the journey of migrating an ASP.NET Framework application to ASP.NET Core microservices. You will know how to master the following steps: conduct an inventory, prepare the application, plan the migration, execute...
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