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Книги для разработчиков

Data Analysis with Pandas

Data Analysis with Pandas

Efficiently perform data collection, wrangling, analysis, and visualization using Python
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Data analysis has become a necessary skill in a variety of domains where knowing how to work with data and extract insights can generate significant value.
Hands-On Data Analysis with Pandas will show you how to analyze your data, get started with machine learning, and work effectively with Python libraries often used for data science, such as pandas, NumPy, matplotlib, seaborn, and scikit-learn. Using real-world datasets, you will learn how to use the powerful pandas library to perform data wrangling to reshape, clean, and aggregate your data. Then, you will be able to conduct exploratory data analysis by calculating summary statistics and visualizing the data to find patterns. In the concluding chapters, you will explore some applications of anomaly detection, regression, clustering, and classification using scikit-learn to make predictions based on past data.

By the end of this book, you will be equipped with the skills you need to use pandas to ensure the veracity of your data, visualize it for effective decision-making, and reliably reproduce analyses across multiple datasets.

Python. Исчерпывающее руководство
Автор: Дэвид Бизли
Год: 2023
Эта книга делает акцент на основополагающих возможностях Python (3.6 и выше), а примеры кода демонстрируют «механику» языка и учат структурировать программы, чтобы их было проще читать, тестировать и отлаживать. Дэвид Бизли знакомит нас со своим уникальным взглядом на то, как...
Fluent Python, 2nd Edition
Автор: Luciano Ramalho
Год: 2022
Don't waste time bending Python to fit patterns you've learned in other languages. Python's simplicity lets you become productive quickly, but often this means you aren't using everything the language has to offer.With the updated edition of this hands-on guide,...
Microservice APIs
Автор: José Haro Peralta
Год: 2023
Strategies, best practices, and patterns that will help you design resilient microservices architecture and streamline your API integrations.In Microservice APIs, you'll discover: Service decomposition strategies for microservices. Documentation-driven development for APIs. ...
Python Crash Course
Автор: Eric Matthes
Год: 2015
Python Crash Course is a fast-paced, thorough introduction to programming with Python that will have you writing programs, solving problems, and making things that work in no time.In the first half of the book, you'll learn about basic programming concepts,...
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