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SignalR Blueprints

SignalR Blueprints

Build real-time ASP.NET web applications with SignalR and create various interesting projects to improve your user experience
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SignalR is an ASP.NET library that enables web developers to add real-time web functionality to ASP.NET applications.

In this book, you'll learn the technical aspects of SignalR and understand why and when you should use SignalR in different use cases. The focus on quality combined with clear, real-world examples will enable you to successfully create your own maintainable software in no time. The book starts by covering the need for SignalR before moving on to its architecture. We'll then take you through the building of a forum that benefits from SignalR. You will also see how to connect your phone as a frontend for SignalR. We will then cover some of the out-of-the-box techniques that you can apply to find out why hosting your solution is vital.

By the end of this book, you will understand the sweet spots of SignalR, and more importantly, how it can be part of improving the user experience.

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