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Mar 20, 2024

Analyzing and improving queries with Query Execution Plan



I promise not to disappoint you, this is the last article in the series: SQL Tuning

In all the articles I said that the recommendation was to read the execution plan, and guess what we are going to do in this one?

  • Let’s eat the execution plan with knife and fork!

This is the article 03 of 03:

  • SQL Tuning — The Basics that Work
  • SQL Tuning — SQL Server Architecture
  • SQL Tuning — Analyzing and Improving Queries with Query Execution Plan

• • •

What is our database?

Well, I want to start with a standard table, our focus will be solely on this table.

I’m going to create it without any index and no PK, just the table, and throughout the article, we’ll understand the impact.

Here’s the code I used for anyone who wants to practice the article:


USE [billing]

-- Create the table
CREATE TABLE order_details (
    [id] INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1),
    [buy_order] VARCHAR(50),
    [name] VARCHAR(100),
    [description] VARCHAR(255),
    [phone_number] VARCHAR(20),
    [order_date] DATE

-- Insert 1,000,000 rows
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Numbers') IS NULL
    CREATE TABLE dbo.Numbers (
        Number INT PRIMARY KEY
    ;WITH E1(N) AS (
    E2(N) AS (SELECT 1 FROM E1 a, E1 b),
    E4(N) AS (SELECT 1 FROM E2 a, E2 b),
    E6(N) AS (SELECT 1 FROM E4 a, E2 b),
    cteTally(N) AS (
    INSERT INTO dbo.Numbers(Number)
    SELECT N FROM cteTally;

INSERT INTO order_details (buy_order, name, description, phone_number, order_date)
    'BO' + CAST(n.Number AS VARCHAR),
    'Name' + CAST(n.Number AS VARCHAR),
    'Description' + CAST(n.Number AS VARCHAR),
    CAST(1000000000 + n.Number AS VARCHAR),
    DATEADD(day, ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) % 365, '2020-01-01')
FROM dbo.Numbers n
WHERE n.Number <= 1000000; -- Limit to 1,000,000 rows

Note: Copy and run F5, each time you run the last query it will insert 1,000,000 rows — run as many times as you want.

Let’s run the query for the first time?

I’m going to start right away with a SELECT * (Those who read the first article know it’s not recommended)

FROM [billing]..[order_details] od

And the result…

SQL query result

Terrifying! Almost 03 minutes to run a query!

Let’s understand why?

Execution Plan and Strategies

As I said in past articles, the best approach to tuning a query is always starting with its execution plan.

We can visualize it in two ways:

  • Ctrl + L: Display only the estimated execution plan
  • Ctrl + M: Run the query and display the actual execution plan used

Just select Ctrl + M and run it again, here’s what we have:

Execution Plan

The main reason for the query’s delay here is the execution of a Table Scan.

This implies scanning and reading the entire table directly from disk, especially if the table has no indexes defined.

It’s crucial to observe the impact that each element has on the following aspects:

  • Estimated I/O Cost
  • Estimated Operator Cost
  • Estimated CPU Cost
  • Estimated Subtree Cost

Table Scan

When these costs are high, it indicates that this is the stage where there is a significant impact on the execution of your query.

  • I’ll go into more details as the article progresses.

And if we create a clustered index? Or better yet, a PK?

When we add a PK to a table, a clustered index is automatically created. It’s important to remember that each table can only have one clustered index.

Here’s the syntax for creation:

ALTER TABLE [order_details]
ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_order_details_id] PRIMARY KEY ([id])

When you run the query again, you’ll see that the amount of time and the impact are the same.

The difference is that the table uses the clustered index in execution, which also performs a scan:

Execution Plan

Why the delay? Well, it’s simple… we’re still using SELECT *.

How about we try it with just the indexed field?

FROM [billing]..[order_details] od

Now the result…

Execution Plan

More than 01 minute advantage, my friends!

We’re not only retrieving fewer data, but we’re also retrieving data from an indexed field, which allows us to fetch the data more quickly.

And if we create a non-clustered index? And improve the query?

Ok… I understand that we can’t do anything with the [id], and I acknowledge that the query is still very slow.

So, let’s think about a query that makes sense, we need to think about a filter (WHERE).

We don’t always want the same data, but rather the orders within a period, is that a good idea?

FROM [billing].[dbo].[order_details] od
WHERE od.[order_date] > '2020-10-30' AND od.[order_date] < '2020-11-30'
AND od.[buy_order] IS NOT NULL
  • The idea here is to retrieve the orders within a 30-day period that have been received.

And magically, the query is running in 12 seconds.

Execution Plan

Is it perfect and can we close here? Actually, no…

Since our index is scanning the table, it’s costing a lot in terms of resources. Ideally, we should perform a Seek to retrieve this data, avoiding excessive disk reads.

And how to make it perform a Seek? Non-clustered index on them!

Here’s the syntax for the index:

ON [billing].[dbo].[order_details] ([order_date], [buy_order])
INCLUDE ([name], [description], [phone_number])

And the result…

Execution Plan

The Seek is already a reality!

Don’t be alarmed if the time remains the same, in a heavily used database this type of indexing would have a significant impact, and I’ll explain why.

First, let’s compare before vs. after:

Index Scan

When we have a Seek index, it goes directly to the rows we need to read, unlike Index Scan, which reads all rows of the table and returns only the rows that were executed.

  • Actual Number of Rows for All Executions x Number of Rows Read

By accessing only the necessary rows, the impact extends to other components of the query execution plan, resulting in possible decreases in the following aspects:

  • Estimated Operator Cost
  • Estimated I/O Cost
  • Estimated CPU Cost

These improvements comes from more efficient data access, reducing the load on system resources and optimizing the overall query performance.

For example, imagine that multiple users are performing various queries with different dates.

If the table has only one clustered index, each query will require the disk to be repeatedly queried to access the data, which can result in a significant increase in disk load and potentially cause performance bottlenecks.

And how to identify bottlenecks?

Bonus 01: How to Identify a Query that is Costing for the Database?

Important: For bonus 01, I simply deleted the indexes from the table, if you want to replicate, do the same.

The easiest and quickest way to identify a query that is weighing down the database is through the Activity Monitor.

The Activity Monitor is a GUI-based tool, meaning it provides you with an overview of your database and real-time activities. You can identify if there’s something locking your database as soon as you open the Activity Monitor.

Example of the Activity Monitor with the query without index:

Activity Monitor

What does each tab mean?

1 - Overview:

  • Provides a quick overview of the overall health and performance of the server — including CPU usage, waiting tasks, active user connections, and database I/O statistics.

2 - Processes:

  • Displays information about the processes currently running. Some examples include: Session ID, Login and Login Name, and the accessed database.

3 - Resource Waits:

  • Resource waits occur when processes are waiting for resources such as CPU, memory, disk I/O, or locks.
  • Shows a list of resource waits.

4 - Data File I/O:

  • Provides information about the I/O activity of the data files associated with the databases.
  • Displays the .mdf, .ldf, and .ndf data files of the databases.

5 - Recent Expensive Queries:

  • Displays a list of recent queries that have consumed a significant amount of server resources, such as CPU time or I/O.
  • Includes details such as query text, execution count, total CPU time, and average execution time.

6 - Active Expensive Queries:

  • Similar to the recent expensive queries tab, but focuses on active queries that are consuming significant server resources.

If you want to delve deeper into this topic, I recommend studying SQL Server Profiler as well. I even have an article on how to automate it here.

Bonus 02: Using Database Engine Tuning Advisor to Find Improvements

Important: For bonus 02, I simply deleted the indexes from the table, if you want to replicate, do the same.

The Database Engine Tuning Advisor (DTA) is a tool that comes with SQL Server and is used to analyze workloads and provide recommendations that can improve query performance.

The Database Engine Tuning Advisor makes recommendations for:

  • Indexes and STATISTICS
  • Partitioning

In other words, it will analyze your entire structure and make recommendations based on it.

One recommendation for using the DTA is to use a workload file; this file can be generated through SQL Server Profiler — called a trace file (Trace Profiler).

But there are other ways to do this, one of which is to go directly through the query.

To do this, simply select the query Ctrl + A » right-click » Analyze Query in Database Engine Tuning Advisor:

Database Engine Tuning Advisor

Example of the tuning that will open:

Engine Tuning

In the Tuning Options, you can choose what type of recommendation you want to receive. After that, just click on Start Analysis.

And magically, we have the recommendation:

SQL analysis

An estimated improvement of 92% — let’s take a closer look at the index?

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [_dta_index_order_details_10_581577110__K6_2_3_4_5] ON [dbo].[order_details]
 [order_date] ASC
INCLUDE([buy_order],[name],[description],[phone_number]) WITH (SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]

Very similar to what we created above, remember?

Copy, perform the creation, and let’s be happy!

Just be careful about one point: The improvement was made focusing only on this table. The recommendation is to generate a Profiler file. That way, it can have an overview of the structures and bottlenecks!

• • •

We have reached the end of our SQL Tuning series! It was a pleasure writing and learning with you all this time.

Take a rest

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

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