Always will be ready notify the world about expectations as easy as possible: job change page
24 марта

Фреймворк Angular используется при создании SPA и предлагает большое количество инструментов как для создания, непосредственно, элементов интерфейса, так и CLI для создания и управления структурой файлов, относящихся к приложению. Для создания проекта с использованием библиотеки Angular, официальный сайт предлагает нам установить пакет angular-cli и далее из консоли запустить определенные команды,...

26 февраля 2023 г.

Achieve Typescript mastery with a 21-steps guide, that takes you from Padawan to Obi-Wan. Content Intro Best Practice 1: Strict Type Checking Best Practice 2: Type Inference Best Practice 3: Linters Best Practice 4: Interfaces Best Practice 5: Type Aliases Best Practice 6: Using Tuples Best Practice 7: Using any...

15 января 2023 г.

Defined long ago, the SOLID principles are intended to improve the readability, adaptability, extensibility, and maintainability of object-oriented designs. The five SOLID principles of object-oriented class design facilitate the development of understandable, tested software that many developers can use at any time and place. We give Robert C. Martin,...

3 февраля 2022 г.

What if programming languages were stocks? And you had to make a portfolio to fetch good returns in 2022? You probably have seen various surveys and analyses listing the most popular programming languages. Those cover the universe of programming languages, like the S&P 500 does for the stock market....

26 июня 2021 г.

SignalR is a popular software library that allows you send server code to client-side applications, like a React application. This tutorial will show you how to install SignalR on both your ASP.NET Core and React Typescript application. Creating your Applications When creating your ASP.NET Core application, there is an...

30 марта 2021 г.

Let’s start the battle TypeScript vs JavaScript with an introduction of both technologies. JavaScript is a scripting language, that was developed by EMCA’s Technical Committee and Brendan Eich. It works perfectly in web-browsers without the help of any web-server or a compiler. It allows you to change HTML and...


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1980–... Sergey Drozdov
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