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Книги для разработчиков

Fundamentals of Enterprise Architecture

Fundamentals of Enterprise Architecture

Proven Frameworks for Effective Architecture Decisions
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With the increasing complexity of modern cloud-based systems, an effective enterprise architecture program is more critical than ever. In this practical book, author Tanu McCabe from Capital One provides proven frameworks and practices to define an effective enterprise architecture strategy — one that will enable software and enterprise architects to create and implement great architecture strategies.

You'll learn how to create shared alignment across business and technology, embed architecture practices into processes and tooling, incorporate technology and business trends, and instill contextual understanding over siloed decision-making. Complete with examples of patterns and antipatterns, this book provides reusable templates, assessment tools, and practical advice.

With this book, you will:

  • Understand exactly what enterprise architecture is, and why it's important to build an effective enterprise architecture practice;
  • Learn who needs to be involved to define and implement architecture strategies;
  • Examine common pitfalls that inhibit effective architecture strategies;
  • Assess the current state of your organization's architecture practice to identify opportunities for improvement;
  • Define your own architecture strategy at both an organizational and personal level by applying the book's frameworks;
  • Enhance your ability to make great architecture decisions using the frameworks and lessons provided.


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