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Книги для разработчиков

Netty in Action

Netty in Action

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Netty in Action introduces the Netty framework and shows you how to incorporate it into your Java network applications. You'll learn to write highly scalable applications without the need to dive into the low-level non-blocking APIs at the core of Java.

About the Technology

Netty is a Java-based networking framework that manages complex networking, multithreading, and concurrency for your applications. And Netty hides the boilerplate and low-level code, keeping your business logic separate and easier to reuse. With Netty, you get an easy-to-use API, leaving you free to focus on what's unique to your application.

About the Book

Netty in Action introduces the Netty framework and shows you how to incorporate it into your Java network applications. You will discover how to write highly scalable applications without getting into low-level APIs. The book teaches you to think in an asynchronous way as you work through its many hands-on examples and helps you master the best practices of building large-scale network apps.

What's Inside

  • Netty from the ground up
  • Asynchronous, event-driven programming
  • Implementing services using different protocols
  • Covers Netty 4.x

About the Reader

This book assumes readers are comfortable with Java and basic network architecture.

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