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Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition

Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition

A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming
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The response to the first edition of Python Crash Course has been overwhelmingly positive. More than 500,000 copies are in print, including translations in eight languages. I’ve received letters and emails from readers as young as 10, as well as from retirees who want to learn to program in their free time.

Python Crash Course is being used in middle schools and high schools, and also in college classes. Students who are assigned more advanced textbooks are using Python Crash Course as a companion text for their classes and finding it a worthwhile supplement. People are using it to enhance their skills on the job and to start working on their own side projects.

In short, people are using the book for the full range of purposes I had hoped they would. The opportunity to write a second edition of Python Crash Course has been thoroughly enjoyable. Although Python is a mature language, it continues to evolve as every language does. My goal in revising the book was to make it leaner and simpler. There is no longer any reason to learn Python 2, so this edition focuses on Python 3 only.

Many Python packages have become easier to install, so setup and installation instructions are easier. I’ve added a few topics that I’ve realized readers would benefit from, and I’ve updated some sections to reflect new, simpler ways of doing things in Python. I’ve also clarified some sections where certain details of the Preface to the Second Edition language were not presented as accurately as they could have been. All the projects have been completely updated using popular, well-maintained libraries that you can confidently use to build your own projects.

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