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Книги для разработчиков

Real-Time Web Application Development

Real-Time Web Application Development

With ASP.NET Core, SignalR, Docker, and Azure


Design, develop, and deploy a real-world web application by leveraging modern open source technologies. This book shows you how to use ASP.NET Core to build cross-platform web applications along with SignalR to enrich the application by enabling real-time communication between server and clients. You will use Docker to containerize your application, integrate with GitHub to package the application, and provide continuous deployment to Azure’s IaaS platform.

Along the way, Real-Time Web Application Development covers topics including designing a Materialize CSS theme, using a test-driven development approach with xUnit.net, and securing your application with the OAuth 2.0 protocol. To further your understanding of the technology, you will learn logging and exception handling; navigation using view components; and how to work with forms and validations. The rich code samples from this book can be used to retrofit or upgrade existing ASP.NET Core applications.

What You Will Learn

  • Design and develop a real-world web application.
  • Implement security and data storage with OAuth2 and Azure Table Storage.
  • Orchestrate real-time notifications through SignalR.
  • Use GitHub and Travis CI for continuous integration of code.
  • Master Docker containerization and continuous deployment with Docker Cloud to Azure Linux virtual machines.


Who This Book Is For

Developers and software engineers interested in learning an end-to-end approach to application development using Microsoft technologies.

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LinkedIn: Sergey Drozdov
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