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Книги для разработчиков

React Hooks in Action

React Hooks in Action

With Suspense and Concurrent Mode

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Build stylish, slick, and speedy-to-load user interfaces in React without writing custom classes. React Hooks are a new category of functions that help you to manage state, lifecycle, and side effects within functional components. WithReact Hooks in Action, you'll be a more effective React developer!React Hooks in Actionshows you how to use Hooks to make your codebase simpler and more reusable, and your applications faster and more responsive. As you build a resource-booking example application, you’ll learn to develop components with local, shared, and application states. Along the way, you’ll discover different approaches to data fetching to improve user experience, and you’ll explore third party hooks in the evolving React ecosystem.

JavaScript. Шаблоны
Автор: Стоян Стефанов
Год: 2011
Разработчики серверных, клиентских или настольных приложений на JavaScript нередко сталкиваются с проблемами, связанными с объектами, функциями, наследованием и другими особенностями этого языка. Какие же приемы разработки приложений на JavaScript являются наиболее удачными? Данная книга дает ответ на этот вопрос, предлагая...
Eloquent JavaScript, 3rd Edition
Автор: Marijn Haverbeke
Год: 2018
This is a book about instructing computers. Computers are about as common as screwdrivers today, but they are quite a bit more complex, and making them do what you want them to do isn’t always easy.If the task you have...
You Don't Know JS: Types & Grammar
Автор: Kyle Simpson
Год: 2015
No matter how much experience you have with JavaScript, odds are you don’t fully understand the language. As part of the "You Don’t Know JS" series, this compact guide explores JavaScript types in greater depth than previous treatments by looking...
TypeScript: Modern JavaScript Development
Автор: Remo H. Jansen, Vilic Vane, Ivo Gabe de Woff
Год: 2016
Leverage the features of TypeScript to boost your development skills and create captivating applications.TypeScript is an open source and cross-platform typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript that runs in any browser or any host. TypeScript adds optional...
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